Make WordPress Core

Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #61660, comment 28

07/17/2024 11:17:23 PM (8 weeks ago)


  • Ticket #61660, comment 28

    initial v1  
    11I just tried the Gutenberg plugin in one of my Divi sites that has just upgraded to WP 6.6 and is exhibiting the underline issue. After installing the plugin, the site reverts back to how it was meant to look, without underlines on links.
    3 I haven't been systematic (sorry) but I don't remember any of the Divi websites that have gone to WP 6.6 so far not showing the underlines. I see it in embedded links, in Divi button modules and I also see underlines on mobile menu items, at least I do when just using Chrome Inspect to look at them. I haven't seen this last example mentioned elsewhere. The plugin fixes all of these, including the mobile menu underlines.
     3I haven't been systematic (sorry) but I don't remember any of my Divi websites that have gone to WP 6.6 so far not showing unwanted underlines. I see it in embedded (in text) links, in Divi button modules and I also see underlines on mobile menu items, at least I do when just using Chrome Inspect to look at them. I haven't seen this last example mentioned elsewhere. The plugin fixes all of these, including the mobile menu underlines.
    5 I've manage a lot of Divi websites. The ones that have already gone to WP 6.6, I've 'fixed' by adding CSS myself to set text-decoration:none as appropriate. A better and more general fix would be great, thank you. I really appreciate how quickly this has been looked at.
     5I manage a lot of Divi websites. The ones that have already gone to WP 6.6, I've 'fixed' by adding CSS myself to set text-decoration:none as appropriate. A better and more general fix would be great, thank you. I really appreciate how quickly this is being looked at.