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Opened 5 months ago

Last modified 5 months ago

#62128 new enhancement

Twenty Thirteen to Twenty Sixteen: update Genericons

Reported by: sabernhardt's profile sabernhardt Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version:
Component: Bundled Theme Keywords: has-patch
Focuses: Cc:


Related: #56699, #58836

@metodiew suggested removing the EOT rule and/or IE hacks from the Genericons CSS for Twenty Fourteen and Twenty Sixteen (in pull requests 4644 and 4658).

Firefox shows a "rejected by sanitizer" console error related to the EOT file reference in the CSS from Twenty Thirteen and Twenty Fourteen, so I would like to remove that.

It might be worth updating more Genericons files, too.

  • Twenty Sixteen uses 3.4.1, which almost matches the current repository. PR 83 added quotes to the filter rules, but those lines probably could be removed instead.
  • Twenty Fifteen uses 3.2, which might be close enough to 3.4.1 to copy files there without editing much.
  • Twenty Thirteen and Twenty Fourteen have 3.0.3, and that version had a different file structure (with a font directory and different names).

Change History (2)

This ticket was mentioned in PR #7452 on WordPress/wordpress-develop by @sabernhardt.

5 months ago

  • Keywords has-patch added
  • Removes legacy Internet Explorer support by deleting EOT file rules from CSS.
  • Removes IE hacks from the version included in Twenty Thirteen and Twenty Fourteen.
  • Edits CSS comments.
  • Removes filter rules from the CSS included in Twenty Sixteen.

Trac 62128

#2 @sabernhardt
5 months ago

The PR removes console errors in Firefox, but the console can still show warnings ("no supported format found" and/or "Glyph bbox was incorrect"). I am less concerned about those than the sanitizer errors.

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