Make WordPress Core

Opened 6 weeks ago

Last modified 5 days ago

#62656 new defect (bug)

Customize > Manu > Reorder random shuffle after "done" and "save changes"

Reported by: bramvandenheuvel's profile bramvandenheuvel Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version:
Component: General Keywords: needs-testing-info
Focuses: Cc:


My secondary menu is quite large (left side on []) and since around yesterday (Dec. 4), when I make a small change by adding a few pages and posts, a lot of sub-items get randomly shuffled.
Thankfully they tend to stay under the items they were originally placed, but it still leads to disorganized sub-menus.
I'll list two examples, but sadly there are more:
1 Europe > 1.12 Serbian > 1.12 (a) Wealthy Gavan's Wife > four sub items (posts). They should be numbered by their Roman numerals: 1.12 (a.i), 1.12 (a.ii), 1.12 (a.iii), 1.12 (a.iv), but instead they are ordered i, iv, ii, iii.
Second example:
10 N. America (North) > 23 sub items (22 pages, 1 post) that should be orderd 1-22, followed by the Bibliography post. Instead they are ordered 1-14, 18-20, 15, 21, 16, 22, Bibliography, 17.
I can go in and change the order via the normal process (in fact, I just did that, including specifically these sub sections), even if it's slow, but after saving, only some of the changes I've made are corrected, and new random shuffles show up in different parts of the menu.

Context: this used to be an issue a few years ago (I did not submit a bug report then), but then it was fixed. Now it is suddenly back.

Change History (2)

#1 @ranafge
5 weeks ago

Hi @bramvandenheuvel

A screenshot is missing.

Good Luck

#2 @mai21
5 days ago

  • Keywords needs-testing-info added
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