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Opened 8 weeks ago

Closed 6 weeks ago

#62719 closed defect (bug) (invalid)

Error message when uploading pictures into a blog post

Reported by: reiseabenteuerlich's profile reiseabenteuerlich Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 6.7.1
Component: Upload Keywords:
Focuses: Cc:



I am uploading images since several weeks without any issue. But since around 2 weeks, I receive the following error message for some of the images, especially after I have uploaded the first ones already without any issue:

"The server cannot process the image. This can happen if the server is busy or does not have enough resources to complete the task. It may help to upload a smaller image. The maximum size should not exceed 2560 pixels."

I checked the images and they all have proper pixel sizes and are below 1MB and also JPG format.

I wonder if the above is somehow related to a change maybe my German managed WP provider Strato did in their server settings, but they said no.

Is there anything on my / WP end what could help?
Thank you and have a nice XMAS! :-)

Attachments (1)

241220_Website status (5.9 KB) - added by reiseabenteuerlich 8 weeks ago.
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Change History (5)

#1 @reiseabenteuerlich
8 weeks ago

what I forgot to mention is, that besides the error message, all images are uploaded to media library and selecteable if I open the blog post again.

#2 @abcd95
8 weeks ago

Hi @reiseabenteuerlich, Thanks for bringing this up.

Based on what you've described, this appears to be a server configuration issue.
Since your images are well within size limits and the files are reaching the media library, this strongly suggests a server resource constraint during image processing.

I would insist on checking PHP memory limits timeout settings and server logs during upload attempts for any image processing (GD/ImageMagick) related logs.

Happy Holidays to you too!

#3 @reiseabenteuerlich
7 weeks ago

Thank you, I will then again reach out to my provider.

#4 @poena
6 weeks ago

  • Milestone Awaiting Review deleted
  • Resolution set to invalid
  • Status changed from new to closed
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