Make WordPress Core

Opened 4 weeks ago

Closed 4 weeks ago

#62838 closed defect (bug) (fixed)

Remove title attribute from shortlink

Reported by: sabernhardt's profile sabernhardt Owned by:
Milestone: 6.8 Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 3.0
Component: Posts, Post Types Keywords: title-attribute has-patch
Focuses: accessibility Cc:


Related: #24766

Since [13683], the_shortlink() output has included a title attribute. By default, that gives the sanitized post title, and it does not sanitize custom text. Given the low value of this attribute, it probably would be better to remove it than to try making it more accessible.

The shortlink has very limited use in directory plugins and themes.

Change History (8)

This ticket was mentioned in PR #8159 on WordPress/wordpress-develop by @sabernhardt.

4 weeks ago

  • Keywords has-patch added

Option 1: Removes any title attribute from the shortlink output, and updates documentation.

Trac 62838

This ticket was mentioned in PR #8160 on WordPress/wordpress-develop by @sabernhardt.

4 weeks ago

Option 2: Removes only the default title attribute from the shortlink.

Trac 62838

#3 @joedolson
4 weeks ago

  • Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to 6.8

I vote in favor of complete removal. It would still be possible to retain support in custom contexts through the filter, and given the real world usage, I think that's adequate.

#4 @audrasjb
4 weeks ago

Yes, let's remove it entirely.
I proposed to set the $title param to null as in other deprecated params in various functions (but we're not 100% actually consistent in core by the way).

@sabernhardt commented on PR #8160:

4 weeks ago

Closing in favor of option 1 (PR 8159)

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core-test by oglekler. View the logs.

4 weeks ago

#8 @audrasjb
4 weeks ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

committed in [59703].

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