#6406 closed defect (bug) (worksforme)
Flash uploader won't work on Ubuntu/Linux
Reported by: |
Owned by: |
Milestone: | Priority: | high | |
Severity: | blocker | Version: | 2.5 |
Component: | Upload | Keywords: | reporter-feedback has-patch |
Focuses: | Cc: |
I've been having serious problems with the flash uploader... it just won't work.
I'm using Firefox on Ubuntu, with the Flash version that's currently on the multiverse repository (, and so far, I've tried it on
- a local installation of RC-1, running on XAMPP for Linux 1.6.6
- a remote installation of the trunk
- a remote installation of RC-2
(both of the remote installations were running on PHP 5.2, on DreamHost)
I checked permissions on the uploads folder (and even chmod 777) and tried using Opera 9, where I get the "normal" uploader, and it all worked fine, but when using the Flash uploader most of the times I just added the files and nothing happened, or my browser crashed when it got to the "Crunching" part.
I tried adding the lines that @didocat posted here to my .htaccess, but still nothing happened
Even if no one could reproduce this, I think there should be an option to use the "normal" uploader, just as there is one to dis/able the visual editor
I will be glad to contribute any more info if it's needed
I previously reported this on the #6278 ticket, but I'm adding it here as a new one, as requested by lloydbudd, since it doesn't really include any of the conditions described on that ticket
Attachments (5)
Change History (42)
17 years ago
Neither. Write a plugin for people who want to disable it.
Very well..
attachment 6406.diff added.
Add filter to flash uploader to allow disabling via plugin
attachment no-flash-uploader.php added.
Plugin to disable flash uploader
17 years ago
Since this is a defect that actually limits the functionality of a standard installation, I really think that this should be included as an option and not a plugin.
I would understand the choice of leaving it to a plugin if you say that affected users are close to none, but if all Ubuntu users are affected by this, there will be a large number of users that will have to depend on somebody to create and maintain a plugin that doesn't add new functionality to WordPress, but instead it's just a workaround for an existing fail. As far as I understand, plugins are supposed to extend Wordpress, they're not patches to make it work.
Also, if you make an option (an user option, just like enabling/disabling the WYSIWYG editor) you would be also taking care of the problems on mac browsers (#6278)
17 years ago
- Keywords report-feedback added
I have to agree that an option is not necessary here and if people want to disable the flash uploader then a plugin is the way forward.
As for the issue of it not working on Ubuntu. Can you capture the traffic between your PC and the WordPress install using something like wireshark and share it with us to help debug the issue.
Please do this with a test install with not your normal password and remove the install afterwards as the capture will contain the login cookies!
17 years ago
By what light is making a system under which a not-inconsiderable number of folks CANNOT upload a reasonable thing? If the software is broken out of the box for folks, that rises to the level of "unacceptable" in my view.
My read of the situation is that the Flash uploader seems happiest with the latest version of Flash, which may or may not be the version that Adobe is offering for Linux (in particular) or maybe even OS X.
A fallback checkbox for those thus affected seems to be at least the courteous thing to do, rather than snarking "Download a plugin. n00b!" at potential users.
17 years ago
I just checked with Firefox, Ubuntu 7.10 and Flash Player 9,0,115,0, running RC2 and everything works fine here. The latest version of Flash Player is currently available for all operating systems. You may want to update Flash Player to the latest version and see if that works, as there were some socket issues fixed in the latest version.
17 years ago
A plugin seems like a better idea than an option, because that increases the likelyhood that problems will be reported. Can't fix what you don't know about.
17 years ago
Not sure I follow your reasoning. If Flash uploading doesn't work for someone, it won't work for them regardless of whether there's a clickable option or a plugin available to ease their pain.
Leave the option checked by default if you're worried about catching errors with the core, but be sensible -- the forums will be FLOODED with folks "screaming" about an inability to upload and if the "official" reaction is "Download this plugin, install it, activate it, then try uploading", I think it's going to be a rough ride. "Go to Settings->blah and unclick that 'Use Flash Uploader' setting" shows care, forethought and attention for users' various settings and whims.
Of course, it's all my $.02 USD.
17 years ago
zamoose: the point is that we want the flash uploader to work for everyone or self-degrade to not use flash.
Adding an option either per-user or per-blog is like saying - "hey we implemented this cool flash based multi file uploader but we think it sucks so much your going to want to turn it off."
We want the default user-experience out-of-the-box to be that it just works.
Allowing for a plugin to disable the flash uploader means that if someone wants to disable it they have the ability to do so. Using the plugin functionality someone could create a plugin that has a per-user option if that is what they want.
In general options (espcially ones that are UI visible) will only be added to WordPress if we expect a large number of people to want to use them - where there is end-user benifit in the option being present.
17 years ago
I disagree. It's saying "It's a really cool feature, and we're so confident in its coolness that we're enabling it by default, but some users have had troubles with it, so we're allowing for an escape hatch in case of emergency".
It seems like there's been a lot of nose-chopping/face-spiting in the process of making 2.5 and this seems to be an example, albeit a very small one.
The problem seems to arise when users have Flash (which the uploader detects) but not the right Flash (which the uploader doesn't detect). What will folks' reactions be when they're told "Not only are we going to make you go through the backup->disable plugs->delete files (don't overwrite!)->upgrade->reactivate plugs cycle, but you're also going to have to either 1) install another plugin or 2) upgrade your whole durn Flash install before you can properly use the new WP"?
My thinking is that they won't take kindly to it, and we have an opportunity to address it now, before things get hairy post-release.
17 years ago
I just added an attachment with the Wireshark traffic report. It contains two files, a plain text export and a wireshark file report.
I limited the report to TCP/UDP traffic on the 80 port, and between my IP and the server's, in order to keep only the relevant data and avoid sending private info... I hope it worked and this could help to solve this
17 years ago
I just added an attachment with the Wireshark traffic report. It contains two files, a plain text export and a wireshark file report.
I just took a look through, And i didnt see anything which seemed like an upload attempt, What is actually displayed on the screen when you visit the uploader page?(any errors etc)
17 years ago
It just shows the upload dialog with the selected file. It's a 42,8Kb jpg image, and I kept it for about 10 minutes... the traffic record starts when I'm on the write post panel and click in Add an Image and stops 10 minutes after.
17 years ago
I upgraded the Flash plugin to, which is the latest version available on Adobe, and Firefox to
Now I can upload images, but my browser freezes while uploading, the progress bar doesn't work and when the image is finally uploaded, it looks like this
This only happens when I upload just one image. Clicking on Show/Hide won't expand the container div.
On the gallery display it all looks fine, also when uploading more than one file.
17 years ago
#6493 DD32]:
(In [7558]) Disable mod_security for uploader. Props andy. see #6406
I believe that was later removed as its not compatible with all hosts, even if you wrap it in the ifmodule due to security issues of what can, and cant be in the .htaccess or something.
While its a fix for now, Its not fixing the problem in mod_security or wordpress. Closing as Invalid.
Also ticket #6509 seems to relate.
17 years ago
added wireshark upload traffic with actual files traffic.
Client: Debian lenny (
Server: Debian lenny (
Flash uploader gets stuck on "crunching".
17 years ago
It seems that people are alreay being "flooded" with people "screaming" about this bug... and that moderators aren't doing a great job, denying the existence of a bug.
A good sample of that : http://wordpress.org/support/topic/164936
IMHO, Wordpress should work directly out of the box in any normal setting, as it has always done. Having to install a plugin to make it work is a bad thing. I think that if Flahs Uploader doesn't work in seme settings, it should be disabled out of the box, inviting users to try to enable it.
17 years ago
Ooops, I guess my last commentary was not clear. It has been a long day for me and was tired and I posted before re-reading my post. And I cannot seem to edit it.
I am not saying that forum moderators are not doing their job, or
doing it badly. I know all Wordpress dev team have been working a lot for this release, and I know it's very very frustrating having to cope with dozens of threads reporting a problem they haven't seen before, and asking for help.
They are simply covered with threads asking the same thing and they cannot offer an answer.
So please, don't take my previous comment as a mod attack. If you feel offendded, I offer my sincere apologies.
17 years ago
Today I'm getting on italian forum some question about problem with the uploader, some are related to ticket: #6509 other are related to different hoster and IE7.
I disagree about a plugin to disable uploader, this could be prpoposed as a temporary solution, but needs to be solved soon in soe way so people can installa thWP out of the box and having if necessary some option to try if they got problem.
16 years ago
The flash uploader was working just fine on my Ubuntu/Firefox in 2.7-beta2, but is broke again in 2.7-beta3.
16 years ago
Ubuntu + Firefox 3.0.5 here. Flash uploader works, but in the select file dialog, it doesn't show files without extensions (common with text files in *nix environments).
16 years ago
There are other situations/environments where the Flash uploader won't work. For example, because of a problem with Flash and HTTPS, if you've got your /admin pages behind SSL, the Flash uploader will fail in Firefox. The bug's chronicled here in the Wordpress MU forums:
- flash upload + https = IO Error
And the bug itself is covered in Adobe's tracker:
- Firefox HTTPS FileReference upload issue
The actual bug falls in Adobe's lap, but it's another instance where the Flash-based uploader in Wordpress will flake out and potentially affect a large number of users. Having this as a site-wide option that's part of core instead of a plugin will make the whole thing much easier to support, and save site admins a goodly number of headaches.
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16 years ago
maybe I'm just do not get it, but where is the source for the actual .swf? The linked repostitory has the .swf only inside, but I can not find any info about that swf's source files. Musn't there be a .fla or is this far too oldskool and this is done with flex?
in reply to:
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16 years ago
Replying to hakre:
maybe I'm just do not get it, but where is the source for the actual .swf? The linked repostitory has the .swf only inside, but I can not find any info about that swf's source files. Musn't there be a .fla or is this far too oldskool and this is done with flex?
The repository has the .as files in there (actionscript). You don't need an .fla - those are only for Flash source files. You can write swf/actionscript/flex files with a simple text editor and compiler.
in reply to:
↑ 31
16 years ago
Replying to intoxination:
Replying to hakre:
maybe I'm just do not get it, but where is the source for the actual .swf? The linked repostitory has the .swf only inside, but I can not find any info about that swf's source files. Musn't there be a .fla or is this far too oldskool and this is done with flex?
The repository has the .as files in there (actionscript). You don't need an .fla - those are only for Flash source files. You can write swf/actionscript/flex files with a simple text editor and compiler.
Thanks for clarification.
16 years ago
- Keywords reporter-feedback added; report-feedback removed
- Milestone changed from 2.9 to 2.8
still current?
16 years ago
- Cc dragos.nicholas@… added
- Resolution set to worksforme
- Status changed from new to closed
I'm using Ubuntu/XAMPP and the flash uploader works fine. We have FireFox 3 now. :) Ticket closed.
15 years ago
I am cross referencing the changeset that pulled this code, that way cross-referencing in future tickets regarding this is easier and the archives are more complete:
(In [7563]) In some environments people can override most things but not mod_sec rules, so this breaks their blog and they can't recover unless they manually edit the file. There is no way to detect whether you can overwrite the rules or not.
We also removed it in the 3.0 default Multisite rules in [12962] for the reasons above.
Assigning to Andy, who is working on these issues. There seem to be some setups that don't work, but for which we can't reliably test -- so an option may be the only way to go.