Opened 17 years ago
Closed 17 years ago
#6813 closed enhancement (fixed)
Press This bookmarklet - quick posting from around the web
Reported by: |
Owned by: |
Milestone: | 2.6 | Priority: | high |
Severity: | normal | Version: | 2.5 |
Component: | Administration | Keywords: | blessed |
Focuses: | Cc: |
We've had a bookmarklet since WordPress 1.0, it used to be a popup, then we had a sidebar thing, then a redirect to the standard post interface. I think there are some really good examples of a nice quick post interaction that doesn't bounce you off the page. There's a good plugin already:
If you know of any other examples add them as comments.
Attachments (26)
Change History (79)
17 years ago
Patch uses the QuickPost plugin as a base. Ported it to latest ui.tabs, added gettext, switched to use script loader and wp_category_checklist(), and changed to WP code formatting. It still needs some love, but this is a good start. The shortcut link is in the postbox on the Write->Post page.
17 years ago
Some fixes for TinyMCE: added the new theme, languages, support for Safari, modal dialogs, changed some settings to be the same like the write page, small css fixes, etc.
17 years ago
- Summary changed from Viva la bookmarklet - quick posting from around the web to Press This bookmarklet - quick posting from around the web
17 years ago
#7120 rearranges UI to put tags on the right. I'm not too crazy about that. I think we need to go through each tab and make some UI decisions.
17 years ago
- Owner changed from matt to ryan
Updates are now going in this ticket.
The latest patch fixes problems with paragraphs being transmitted through instead of just line breaks.
I've also attached the loading-publish.gif.
There is still a problem displaying apostrophes despite coming through clean. (?)
Example. Select "it's" in a webpage, click Press This, you'll now get "it\'s". Publish that post and you'll then get "it's" as you should. Anyone? Bueller?
17 years ago
Looks like selection doesn't get the stripslashes() treatment. js_escape() strips and readds the slashes. I'm not sure we need js_escape() there. It's meant more for js included in onclicks and other attributes.
17 years ago
I talked with Andrew and seem to have it all figured out now. Another patch to fix the apostrophe/encoding oddities is coming soon.
17 years ago
The latest attachment should be a big help. No more problems with Japanese/Hebrew or apostrophe issues. *crosses fingers*
The photo tab also got a nice upgrade to add a photo by URL and resizing the content area for the new photos added (this may need some more testing, but seems well enough for use in popular browsers).
17 years ago
(merge arrows fixed) Fixes for unicode/ascii/apostrophe problems. Upgrades to the Photo tab.
17 years ago
Fixes corresponding with wp_error object issues - this negates the was patched from rev 8166 (negates 6-19 patch)
17 years ago
This patch fixes problems with wp_error the photo tab and some js issues dealing with cross-browser implementation.
17 years ago
press-this-6-23-4am.diff should be the patch used.
Ignore press-this-6-23-1am.diff, media-6-23-1am.diff, and press-this-6-19-9pm.diff (if not already applied) since the latest patch contains all of those changes (since I diffed against trunk).
17 years ago
Photo tab has begun hotlinking. I'm working on clarifying this issue and getting a patch out asap.
17 years ago
Press This was having problems with sideloading images with query strings. A simple fix is attached.
17 years ago
Was thinking to change TinyMCE to be compressed when loaded in Press This, but since it only loads 3 js files, it's faster to cache them with Gears instead.
The patch also includes few small css fixes:
- Removed width="475" from the image preview in ThickBox. Small images look quite bad with it. If scaling-down is needed, the images can be resized with 2 lines of js.
- Changed the "Insert Image" and "Cancel" links to look more consistent.
While testing, Press This seems to have some problems:
- If there is a selection on the page, all of it is inserted as a link in the editor.
- If the selection is across two paragraphs, the encoding of the string seems wrong and breaks the editor.
- The popup doesn't open in IE6 and opens in the main window in IE7 if the site doesn't have permission to show popups.
- The layout is broken in IE7. May need to make/load specific css for IE.
17 years ago
Can I get a cumulative patch with all of these changes in it.
Also, can the IE stylesheet be loaded via the style loader so that gears will know about it?
17 years ago
paulhontz, do you mean in the text tab? I think we don't link back in the Text tab if a selection is being passed, which is the way Tumblr and some others behave, IIRC. We should provide a link back for the Quote tab, however. I'm open to adding a link back to the Text tab though.
17 years ago
I think adding a link on the text tab would be a very beneficial feature. If you come across a cool article, I think it would be more kind to the original author if you took an excerpt, and automatically had a link back to his site (where the content originated).
thanks ryan!
17 years ago
I think it would also make a great addition to any tab.
For example:
[Picture you selected]
"Content content content content"
url link back
I think this would make a lot of sense. Also, is it possible to pass highlighted pictures through the bookmarklet?
17 years ago
Switching to using our default content cleanup in the editor. Tried it for the patch yesterday, but didn't work in IE. Turns out the IE on my computer was having problems, not the code.
17 years ago
Few small fixes: properly add and load press-this-ie.css, cleanup of the bookmarklet code.