Make WordPress Core

Opened 16 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#7733 closed defect (bug) (fixed)

Autosave Shows Incorrect Permalink Generation

Reported by: deltatee's profile DeltaTee Owned by: azaozz's profile azaozz
Milestone: 2.9 Priority: low
Severity: minor Version: 2.6.1
Component: JavaScript Keywords: needs-patch
Focuses: Cc:


When writing a new post, the permalink is shown based on the title of the first autosave (instead of first save). The permalink is correctly set upon first save, but this behavior can be confusing as the permalink appears to change on the first save.

I believe this first appeared with autosave in version 2.6. It still exists in version 2.6.2 (not available in the version drop down).

To reproduce this:

  1. Create a new post
  2. Enter some body text
  3. Wait for the autosave
  4. Note that the permalink is shown to be the post number
  5. Enter a title
  6. Note the permalink does not change
  7. Save the post
  8. Note that the permalink has been updated to reflect the title.

Change History (6)

#1 @Denis-de-Bernardy
15 years ago

  • Component changed from General to JavaScript
  • Keywords needs-patch added
  • Milestone set to 2.8
  • Owner changed from anonymous to azaozz
  • Priority changed from normal to low
  • Severity changed from normal to minor

#2 @jbsil
15 years ago

If I understand correctly, you want the permalink field to update live after a user edits the title field, before clicking save?

What should the exceptions be? What happens if a user edits the permalink field and then edits the title all before saving the first time? Shouldn't the permalink abide by the user's manual edit?

#3 @Denis-de-Bernardy
15 years ago

his suggestion actually makes sense. basically, you'd expect the same behavior as if the save button was clicked -- with WP faking a slug if none is set, else using the one set by the user. but there's some ajax-fu required to get it done.

#4 @Denis-de-Bernardy
15 years ago

almost certainly related:


#5 @Denis-de-Bernardy
15 years ago

  • Milestone changed from 2.8 to 2.9

rather minor, so moving to 2.9

#6 @azaozz
15 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

(In [11928]) Explain that the permalink is temporary for autosave generated permalinks, fixes #7733

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