Opened 16 years ago
Closed 16 years ago
#8713 closed enhancement (fixed)
Change "go back" link to "view page" when Page is published.
Reported by: |
Owned by: |
Milestone: | 2.8 | Priority: | normal |
Severity: | normal | Version: | 2.8 |
Component: | UI | Keywords: | |
Focuses: | Cc: |
When a Page is created or updated, the alert at the top of the page says "Page updated. Continue editing below or /go back/." Go back is a link to /wp-admin. To match the way we handle published/updated posts, go back should be changed to "view page" with a link to the live page.
Attachments (5)
Change History (25)
16 years ago
Since user now stays on the actual editing screen after post is published, there is no "go back," which used to be there to take user back to editing screen.
16 years ago
This only happens when the page is updated, when it's first published, it works just fine and the link appears saying View Page pointing to the Page's actual URL.
16 years ago
Instead of Go Back and pointing to the referring URL after editing the page, it now says View it and points to the page's URL.
16 years ago
- Keywords has-patch added
- Resolution set to worksforme
- Status changed from new to closed
- Version changed from 2.7 to 2.8
16 years ago
big -1 on this patch.
when editing pages in series, the last thing I'd want is that the link points to the edited page. I'd rather it return me to the edit pages screen, where I come from.
alternatively, it should be consistent with the save posts behavior. if both always point to the post or page that got saved, fine. but it should be the same behavior.
a last option could be to scrap the link altogether. after all, there is a preview button.
16 years ago
The intended behavior for both posts and pages is that on publish/update, user stays on the edit screen and alert appears that says post/page has been published/updated with link to view post/page. The preview button is not adequate due to the way it currently functions (if you start editing typos, for example, you will preview the changes, not the view the live post/page). While we can certainly look at this overall behavior for future versions, for now we just need to get rid of the 'go back' link that is leftover from 2.5.
16 years ago
- Owner set to bingorabbit
- Status changed from reopened to new
We can do both, I will work on a patch that integrates the "Go back" link with the "View page" one. So both patches will be available and the Core developers can see what appropriate.
16 years ago
Go back to where? When you publish or update a page, you are still on the editing screen. There should not be a go back link at all, as there is nowhere to go back that the back button won't take you. The "go back" language was made obsolete in 2.7 when the behavior changed.
16 years ago
Go back takes you back to edit.php if you come from there or the permalink page if you come from there. Seems handy to me.
alternatively, could we add both, when the two urls aren't the same?