Make WordPress Core

Opened 20 years ago

Closed 20 years ago

#904 closed defect (bug) (invalid)

Admin File Downloads under IE

Reported by: anonymousbugger's profile anonymousbugger Owned by: ryan's profile ryan
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: critical Version: 1.5
Component: Administration Keywords:
Focuses: Cc:


After logging in via wp-login.php, it works fine to show the dashboard. After seeing the dashboard, I am not able to navigate ANY part of the administration. IT simply asks me to download a file as if the .php extension was not recognized for apache. After leaving the dashboard entry page and going back to my main blog, I am unable to return to /wp-admin/ because it asks me to download the file again.

This is only happening in IE 6.0 as far as I know.

Change History (5)

#1 @anonymousbugger
20 years ago

  • Patch set to No

#2 @MC_incubus
20 years ago

I had the same problem with my blog pages... it was because I forgot to run /wp-admin/upgrade.php and the html_type option wasn't set, so IE wasn't getting the right MIME type.

Try running the upgrade script and then report back.

#3 @anonymousbugger
20 years ago

I'm having a VERY similar problem...
I've had a major hassle with this whole Mod_rewrite stuff.

It took me a while to figure out how to get this working without having page errors in V1.5. Luckily, the Strayhorn release seemed to fix all my problems.

Except.... (you knew there would be an except, didn't you!)

I upgraded to V1.5 Strayhorn last night for I changed the permalink structure and the pages work now, no more 404.... for me (at home and at work).

I got a call from the customer today. When they type in the URL, they get a "file download box". Like their Browser isn't understanding that the site has a PAGE attached to it. They are using Win 98 and IE 6. (I know, I know... but that's what they have. And they aren't going to change, so, let's not even go there.)

Many other sites work for them, but I directed them to try a few other installs of WordPress that I know of... and they get the same problem.. A File Download box.

As posted in this thread:

#4 @macmanx
20 years ago

Please make sure that you have all run upgrade.php . On the Support Forums, this has fixed some similar issues.

#5 @ryan
20 years ago

  • Owner changed from anonymous to rboren
  • Resolution changed from 10 to 70
  • Status changed from new to closed
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