Opened 16 years ago
Last modified 15 months ago
#9547 assigned enhancement
Taxonomy - interesting 'unused' term_order column in table term_relationships.
Reported by: |
Owned by: | |
Milestone: | Future Release | Priority: | high |
Severity: | normal | Version: | 2.8 |
Component: | Taxonomy | Keywords: | has-patch dev-feedback |
Focuses: | Cc: |
During development of plugin xili-language, and to sort term by term list of languages in a taxonomy, I discover unused column term_order in term_relationships table and lack of functions in core about this column. Like medias in post, here the user can define languages list with first, second, third,... languages for his website (and xml header). Taxonomy tools are here very powerful without adding tables or annoying coding.
(see code here line 1309-1370).
Before to complete these very basic functions,…
Is it forecast to have more basic / generic functions using term_order in taxonomy.php ?
Attachments (9)
Change History (51)
16 years ago
- Milestone changed from Unassigned to 2.9
- Version set to 2.8
there are several duplicates of this bug around. most were closed as wontfix, on grounds of all sorts of fishy looking reasons. to find them, search for page order, or category order.
16 years ago
- Milestone changed from 2.9 to 2.8
- Resolution set to fixed
- Status changed from new to closed
please re-open if r11250 isn't enough.
16 years ago
- Milestone changed from 2.8 to Future Release
- Resolution fixed deleted
- Status changed from closed to reopened
sorry, mixed up with a separate ticket I remembered about.
↓ 20
14 years ago
- Cc luke.gedeon@… added
I propose adding an object_order column for this purpose. Term_order was intended for prioritizing multiple terms as applied to a single object. (see #5857)
Object_order would be a logical place for storing the order in the opposite direction - multiple objects assigned to the same term. Both are very helpful concepts.
I will be attempting to write functions for the term_order concept to submit as a patch. If the object_order concept is blessed, you may be able to use some of my code for that purpose too.
14 years ago
No patch needed, actually. Here is the code to use term_order to sort tags.
/** * Sort post_tags by term_order * * @param array $terms array of objects to be replaced with sorted list * @param integer $id post id * @param string $taxonomy only 'post_tag' is changed. * @return array of objects */ function plugin_get_the_ordered_terms ( $terms, $id, $taxonomy ) { if ( 'post_tag' != $taxonomy ) // only ordering tags for now but could add other taxonomies here. return $terms; $terms = wp_cache_get($id, "{$taxonomy}_relationships_sorted"); if ( false === $terms ) { $terms = wp_get_object_terms( $id, $taxonomy, array( 'orderby' => 'term_order' ) ); wp_cache_add($id, $terms, $taxonomy . '_relationships_sorted'); } return $terms; } add_filter( 'get_the_terms', 'plugin_get_the_ordered_terms' , 10, 4 ); /** * Adds sorting by term_order to post_tag by doing a partial register replacing * the default */ function plugin_register_sorted_post_tag () { register_taxonomy( 'post_tag', 'post', array( 'sort' => true, 'args' => array( 'orderby' => 'term_order' ) ) ); } add_action( 'init', 'plugin_register_sorted_post_tag' ); ?>
To use this, you will need to add tags in the order you want them to be and if you get them out of order you may have to remove some and add them back correctly. I might write a better UI later, but for now this at least works.
I guess next actions would be to write a patch for object ordering, and to come up with a UI(s) for both tag-style and category-style term_ordering.
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13 years ago
- Cc simon@… added
- Keywords has-patch dev-feedback added
I've created a patch which adds the ability to request terms ordered by term_order
when using
. Points to note:
- I've added “simple” function arguments, rather than using an
style array as a final parameter as this seems to be the pattern for things nearer template tags than API functions, happy to change the patch if this isn't the right approach.
- This has affected the caching in
in that it no longer simply uses the cache controlled by
, because this cache does not respect ordering. It is not currently possible to pull the terms from the cache and order in PHP within the
function, as the
objects do not contain the
property, even if it was deemed appropriate to sort terms in PHP at this point. I'd argue that the cache will still fill, even if there's more keys in it, and when it's full the system is just as cached as it was before, i.e. we've still got the function covered by a cache.
13 years ago
Almost forgot. I'll attach a proof of concept plugin which converts post_tag
into a sorted taxonomy…
in reply to:
↑ 10
13 years ago
Replying to simonwheatley:
I've created a patch which adds the ability to request terms ordered by
when using
. Points to note:
- I've added “simple” function arguments, rather than using an
style array as a final parameter as this seems to be the pattern for things nearer template tags than API functions, happy to change the patch if this isn't the right approach.
- This has affected the caching in
in that it no longer simply uses the cache controlled by
, because this cache does not respect ordering. It is not currently possible to pull the terms from the cache and order in PHP within the
function, as the
objects do not contain the
property, even if it was deemed appropriate to sort terms in PHP at this point. I'd argue that the cache will still fill, even if there's more keys in it, and when it's full the system is just as cached as it was before, i.e. we've still got the function covered by a cache.
I've taken a quick look and it looks good.
Do you fancy creating some unit tests for this new functionality too?
13 years ago
Sure. I may need some guidance. :)
/me Reads
in reply to:
↑ 10
13 years ago
- Keywords taxonomy term_order relationships removed
Replying to simonwheatley:
I've added “simple” function arguments, rather than using an
style array as a final parameter as this seems to be the pattern for things nearer template tags than API functions, happy to change the patch if this isn't the right approach.
#14634 suggests adding $args
13 years ago
Add ordering to term template tags through $args array type param (removed error_log call)
13 years ago
Replying to SergeyBiryukov:
#14634 suggests adding
Thanks Sergey. I can see this being more flexible, though it does increase complexity and I wasn't sure if this kind of parameter was in the spirit of the WordPress template tags. I've added it as a separate patch to make things easier to compare (diffing diffs… fun).
with the
A further caching caveat with this patch: If you pass an empty array in $args (as is the default) it will cache under a different key to a call where the $args
param contains values equivalent to the defaults in
. This is because the patch is MD5 hashing the serialised
array. I can't think of a way around this without duplicating the defaults from
(and I suspect in most cases the problem is not serious).
↓ 17
13 years ago
has a var_dump()
left in line 1077 and still passes two separate arguments to get_the_term_list()
in the_terms()
13 years ago
Add ordering to term template tags through $args array type param (removed error_log call, var_dump, corrected the_terms args param)
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↑ 16
13 years ago
Replying to SergeyBiryukov:
has avar_dump()
left in line 1077 and still passes two separate arguments toget_the_term_list()
Thanks for spotting the the_terms
param missing, apologies for the var_dump
. Attaching a new diff.
12 years ago
- Keywords needs-unit-tests added; dev-feedback removed
- Milestone changed from Future Release to 3.6
Patch no longer applied cleanly, updated and changed the cache key / group to be more friendly with others
in reply to:
↑ 6
12 years ago
- Cc ben@… added
Replying to lgedeon:
I propose adding an object_order column for this purpose. Term_order was intended for prioritizing multiple terms as applied to a single object. (see #5857)
Object_order would be a logical place for storing the order in the opposite direction - multiple objects assigned to the same term. Both are very helpful concepts.
If term_order is intended to be used to prioritise the order of terms associated with posts, I second the idea of a object_order column for prioritising the order of posts within terms - essentially the equivalent of menu_order for posts, but for taxonomies.
↓ 32
12 years ago
- Cc tollmanz@… added
Added unit tests that attempt to test the latest patch as well as do a few other things:
- Ordering using wp_get_post_terms is tested. The latest patch adds the ability to order by "term_group" and previously no ordering has been tested with wp_get_post_terms. I added those tests.
- get_terms, get_the_term_list, and the_terms are tested when the $args parameter is used, which was added with the latest patch for this ticket. In all of these tests, I tested to make sure that the cache key was handled correctly so that different $args values would generate different cache objects.
- The latest patch broke the "test_object_term_cache" test. This has been fixed. The issue was due to the change of the cache key in the latest patch.
12 years ago
- Milestone changed from Future Release to 3.7
9547.2.diff refreshes so applying doesn't blow up.
↓ 27
12 years ago
Just adding another use case for the term_order column. I would love to see an additional WP_Query orderby argument 'term_order' to sort the order or posts.
Use Case:
Many enterprise publishers using WordPress require a way to set the precise order of posts on the home page as well as other areas. menu_order is great for the home page but when a post is in multiple categories or more than one sort_order is required for a post depending on where it is being displayed. The term_order column is perfect for this because anytime you do a tax_query the term_relationships table is already INNER JOIN 'd with the posts table. This works just like menu_order except only when the tables are joined via a term archive or new WP_Query
The flexibility of the current term_relationships table allows us to use the term_order column for any object_id the term is assigned to.
WP_Query extension to allow for ordering posts by term_order:
/** * Extends WP_Query with a posts_orderby filter that allows you to order posts by the term_relationships.term_order column * * @class XTeam_Lineup_Query */ class XTeam_Lineup_Query extends WP_Query { var $lineup_query; function __construct( $args = array() ) { add_filter( 'posts_orderby', array( &$this, 'posts_orderby' ), 10, 2 ); $this->lineup_query = true; parent::query( $args ); } function posts_orderby( $orderby, $query ) { if ( isset( $query->lineup_query ) ) { global $wpdb; return "$wpdb->term_relationships.term_order ASC, post_date DESC"; } return $orderby; } }
Resulting SQL Query:
`SELECT wpomni_posts.ID FROM wpomni_posts INNER JOIN wpomni_term_relationships ON (wpomni_posts.ID = wpomni_term_relationships.object_id) WHERE 1=1 AND ( wpomni_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id IN (9) ) AND wpomni_posts.post_type = 'post' AND (wpomni_posts.post_status = 'publish' OR wpomni_posts.post_status = 'private') GROUP BY wpomni_posts.ID ORDER BY wpomni_term_relationships.term_order ASC, post_date DESC LIMIT 0, 10
UI for setting the order of posts
Not suggesting a ui for this but wanted to give an example of how the posts could be ordered. Using UI-Sortable we allow the posts to be ordered directly on edit.php when the list table is filtered by term.
Ajax callback bits that set the order:
$str = str_replace( 'post-', '', $posts ); $order = explode( ',', $str ); $count = 1; foreach ( $order as $item_id ) { $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE $wpdb->term_relationships SET term_order = %d WHERE object_id = %d AND term_taxonomy_id = %d", $count, $item_id, $term_tax_id ) ); $count ++;
I can work on patch or roll this into a plugin if it's something that has any traction.
in reply to:
↑ 26
11 years ago
Replying to c3mdigital:
Just adding another use case for the term_order column. I would love to see an additional WP_Query orderby argument 'term_order' to sort the order or posts.
I agree, being able to order posts belonging to a term would be great functionality.
The above discussion seems to indicate that the term_order column was intended for ordering terms associated with a post, not posts associate with a term though.
I already use this column for ordering posts in a term which is fine for now unless WordPress core implements a UI that would interfere but allowing people to use it for ordering terms instead.
↓ 29
11 years ago
- Type changed from feature request to enhancement
Should get_the_term_list() and the_terms() be converted from $before = '', $sep = '', $after = '', $args = array()
to just $args = array()
that contains 'before'
, 'sep'
, and 'after'
in reply to:
↑ 28
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↓ 35
11 years ago
Replying to nacin:
Should get_the_term_list() and the_terms() be converted from
$before = '', $sep = '', $after = '', $args = array()
to just$args = array()
that contains'before'
, and'after'
My vote would be yes.
11 years ago
- Milestone changed from 3.7 to Future Release
Can someone change the title of this ticket to better reflect what is actually being proposed? It seems we're just trying to expose lower level API higher up in the stack (and crossing the line between uncached API and cached API). Because of that, this is a safe punt.
11 years ago
Refreshed the patch:
- Combined the tests and code changes into one patch
- Now applies against current trunk
- Changed "Verify get by …" to "Verify order by …" comments in tests
- Added ticket reference to
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↑ 21
11 years ago
Replying to tollmanz:
Added unit tests that attempt to test the latest patch as well as do a few other things:
Reading through the tests, I noticed test_get_the_terms_with_args
ended with $this->assertFalse( in_array( $orderby_asc, $orderby_desc ) );
, which seems like a copy/paste error to me. I think this should be asserting that the two arrays are not equal instead? (Amended patch coming up.)
Otherwise the tests make sense to me.
in reply to:
↑ 29
11 years ago
Replying to helen:
Replying to nacin:
Should get_the_term_list() and the_terms() be converted from
$before = '', $sep = '', $after = '', $args = array()
to just$args = array()
that contains'before'
, and'after'
My vote would be yes.
Refreshing and so forth aside: how would you like to tackle this? I can see either:
Option 1. Backwards compatibility: Check the third argument in get_the_term_list()
and the_terms()
to see if it's a string (treat the arguments as "legacy format", with the sixth argument as the $args
array) and if the third argument is an array, assume the author is new school and interpret this as the $args
argument. Something like:
/** * Retrieve a post's terms as a list with specified format. * * The following information has to do with additional arguments in the $args parameter: * * 'before' string Optional. Before list. * 'sep' string Optional. Separate items using this. * 'after' string Optional. After list. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @see wp_get_object_terms() for reference on the $args param * * @param int $id Post ID. * @param string $taxonomy Taxonomy name. * @param array $args Accepts the same arguments as the $args param for wp_get_object_terms, as well as some additions listed above. * @return string|bool|WP_Error A list of terms on success, false or WP_Error on failure. */ function get_the_term_list( $id, $taxonomy, $args = array(), $deprecated_1 = '', $deprecated_2 = '', $deprecated_3 = array() ) { if ( is_string( $args ) ) { _doing_it_wrong( __FUNCTION__, sprintf( __( 'get_the_term_list expects the third argument to be a $args array, you can specify $before, $sep, and $after in the array.' ), '4.0' ); $before = $args; $sep = $deprecated_1; $after = $deprecated_2; $args = $deprecated_3; } else { $before = isset( $args[ 'before' ] ) ? $args[ 'before' ] : ''; $sep = isset( $args[ 'sep' ] ) ? $args[ 'sep' ] : ''; $after = isset( $args[ 'after' ] ) ? $args[ 'after' ] : ''; }
Option 2. New way or the highway: Check if the third argument is a string, and if it is then call _doing_it_wrong
but otherwise just drop the argument. Something like:
/** * Display the terms in a list. * * The following information has to do with additional arguments in the $args parameter: * * 'before' string Optional. Before list. * 'sep' string Optional. Separate items using this. * 'after' string Optional. After list. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param int $id Post ID. * @param string $taxonomy Taxonomy name. * @param array $args Accepts the same arguments as the $args param for wp_get_object_terms, as well as some additions listed above. * @return null|bool False on WordPress error. Returns null when displaying. */ function the_terms( $id, $taxonomy, $args = array() ) { if ( is_string( $args ) ) { _doing_it_wrong( __FUNCTION__, sprintf( __( 'the_terms expects the third argument to be a $args array, you can specify $before, $sep, and $after in the array.' ), '4.0' ); }
Having coded them out in outline, I vote for not making the change or going for Option 2, to keep the code simpler.
This ticket was mentioned in IRC in #wordpress-dev by simonwheatley. View the logs.
11 years ago
in reply to:
↑ 29
11 years ago
- Keywords dev-feedback added; needs-unit-tests removed
Replying to helen:
Replying to nacin:
Should get_the_term_list() and the_terms() be converted from
$before = '', $sep = '', $after = '', $args = array()
to just$args = array()
that contains'before'
, and'after'
My vote would be yes.
Having given this some thought, I don't think it's a good idea to change the parameters. If we change the third parameter from $before
to $args
I cannot see how we can reliably detect when the value being passed was intended as a WordPress $args
(which can be a URL encoded string or an associative array) without code which becomes quite involved and is still not reliable.
(In detecting whether a value might be intended as $args
string (detecting associative arrays is fairly straightforward) we could look for a =
character, but this might be present in an attribute definition of some HTML in a valid $before
I recommend we leave the parameters as they are.
Right now galleries are the only user of term_order. No one is currently working on a generic API for using term_order. A patch adding some API would be welcome though.