Make WordPress Core

Opened 14 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#18225 closed enhancement (wontfix)

Sub-blog on Network site redirects to wrong URL for user registration

Reported by: amereservant's profile amereservant Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: critical Version: 3.2.1
Component: Multisite Keywords:
Focuses: Cc:

Description (last modified by SergeyBiryukov)

When a user clicks on the register button of a sub-blog, it redirects the user to the signup form on the primary blog, which means they end up creating an account with it instead of the sub-blog.

When the user tries accessing the sub-blog login after activation, they are denied access because the registration took place with the parent blog instead. There's also no way to transfer users to another blog.

This issue sounds similar to the one in #16866 , but it's not a feature request, instead it's a bug.

My test case is:
network blog is installed in sub-directory, such as
A sub-blog is created at say
I register a new user account with the sub-blog, which takes me to instead of

Running on Ubuntu 10.04, Apache 2, PHP 5.3, WordPress 3.2.1.

Change History (8)

#1 @amereservant
14 years ago

I've found the problem ... in wp-signup.php, line 30 redirects the user if !is_main_site(), so it takes them to the signup form on the main site instead, thus causing the user to register with the wrong site.

#2 @sillybean
14 years ago

  • Cc steph@… added

#4 @wpmuguru
12 years ago

  • Type changed from defect (bug) to enhancement

This is not a bug. WordPress MU worked exactly the same way.

#5 @SergeyBiryukov
12 years ago

  • Description modified (diff)

#6 @Ipstenu
12 years ago

To clarify on what wpmuguru said, this isn't a bug because you're not being added to the blog at all, you're being added to the network, which is run from the main site. You can write a per-site registration page for your sites if you wanted to (I wrote a plugin that helps do this). At any rate, you don't 'transfer' users between blogs, they don't get added to any blogs on registration last I checked, but to the network. They become psudeo subscribers to all sites on the network, and each site can add users to their individual sites.

#7 @amereservant
12 years ago

  • Resolution set to wontfix
  • Status changed from new to closed

#8 @helen
12 years ago

  • Milestone Awaiting Review deleted
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