Make WordPress Core

Ticket #53357: includeexport.php

File includeexport.php, 727 bytes (added by utsav72640, 4 years ago)


1Index: export.php
3--- export.php  (revision 50638)
4+++ export.php  (working copy)
5@@ -438,7 +438,7 @@
6        echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . get_bloginfo( 'charset' ) . "\" ?>\n";
8        ?>
9-<!-- This is a WordPress eXtended RSS file generated by WordPress as an export of your site. -->
10+<!-- This is a WordPress extended RSS file generated by WordPress as an export of your site. -->
11 <!-- It contains information about your site's posts, pages, comments, categories, and other content. -->
12 <!-- You may use this file to transfer that content from one site to another. -->
13 <!-- This file is not intended to serve as a complete backup of your site. -->