Changeset 3011 for trunk/wp-includes/functions.php
- Timestamp:
- 11/07/2005 09:56:03 PM (19 years ago)
- File:
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r3005 r3011 261 261 262 262 function get_settings($setting) { 263 global $wpdb , $cache_settings, $cache_nonexistantoptions;263 global $wpdb; 264 264 if ( strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'wp-admin/install.php') || defined('WP_INSTALLING') ) 265 265 return false; 266 266 267 if ( empty($cache_settings) ) 268 $cache_settings = get_alloptions(); 269 270 if ( empty($cache_nonexistantoptions) ) 271 $cache_nonexistantoptions = array(); 272 273 if ( 'home' == $setting && '' == $cache_settings->home ) 274 return apply_filters('option_' . $setting, $cache_settings->siteurl); 275 276 if ( isset($cache_settings->$setting) ) : 277 return apply_filters('option_' . $setting, $cache_settings->$setting); 278 else : 279 // for these cases when we're asking for an unknown option 280 if ( isset($cache_nonexistantoptions[$setting]) ) 281 return false; 282 283 $option = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT option_value FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name = '$setting'"); 284 285 if (!$option) : 286 $cache_nonexistantoptions[$setting] = true; 287 return false; 288 endif; 289 290 @ $kellogs = unserialize($option); 291 if ( $kellogs !== FALSE ) 292 return apply_filters('option_' . $setting, $kellogs); 293 else return apply_filters('option_' . $setting, $option); 294 endif; 267 $value = wp_cache_get($setting, 'options'); 268 269 if ( false === $value ) { 270 $value = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT option_value FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name = '$setting'"); 271 wp_cache_add($setting, $value, 'options'); 272 } 273 274 // If home is not set use siteurl. 275 if ( 'home' == $setting && '' == $value ) 276 return get_settings('siteurl'); 277 278 if ( 'siteurl' == $setting || 'home' == $setting || 'category_base' == $setting ) 279 $value = preg_replace('|/+$|', '', $value); 280 281 @ $kellogs = unserialize($value); 282 if ( $kellogs !== FALSE ) 283 return apply_filters('option_' . $setting, $kellogs); 284 else 285 return apply_filters('option_' . $setting, $value); 295 286 } 296 287 … … 339 330 340 331 function update_option($option_name, $newvalue) { 341 global $wpdb , $cache_settings;332 global $wpdb; 342 333 343 334 if ( is_string($newvalue) ) … … 355 346 add_option($option_name); 356 347 348 wp_cache_set($option_name, $newvalue, 'options'); 349 357 350 $newvalue = $wpdb->escape($newvalue); 358 $option_name = $wpdb->escape( $option_name);351 $option_name = $wpdb->escape($option_name); 359 352 $wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->options SET option_value = '$newvalue' WHERE option_name = '$option_name'"); 360 $cache_settings = get_alloptions(); // Re cache settings361 353 return true; 362 354 } … … 371 363 // thx Alex Stapleton, 372 364 function add_option($name, $value = '', $description = '', $autoload = 'yes') { 373 global $wpdb , $cache_settings;365 global $wpdb; 374 366 375 367 // Make sure the option doesn't already exist 376 if ( isset($cache_settings->$name) )368 if ( false !== get_option($name, 'options') ) 377 369 return; 378 370 … … 381 373 $value = serialize($value); 382 374 383 if ( !$wpdb->get_var("SELECT option_name FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name = '$name'") ) { 384 $name = $wpdb->escape($name); 385 $value = $wpdb->escape($value); 386 $description = $wpdb->escape($description); 387 $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->options (option_name, option_value, option_description, autoload) VALUES ('$name', '$value', '$description', '$autoload')"); 388 389 if ( $wpdb->insert_id ) { 390 global $cache_settings; 391 $cache_settings->{$name} = $original; 392 } 393 } 375 wp_cache_add($name, $value, 'options'); 376 377 $name = $wpdb->escape($name); 378 $value = $wpdb->escape($value); 379 $description = $wpdb->escape($description); 380 $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->options (option_name, option_value, option_description, autoload) VALUES ('$name', '$value', '$description', '$autoload')"); 381 394 382 return; 395 383 } … … 401 389 if ( !$option_id ) return false; 402 390 $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name = '$name'"); 391 wp_cache_delete($name, 'options'); 403 392 return true; 404 393 } … … 589 578 // Handles page caching. 590 579 function &get_page(&$page, $output = OBJECT) { 591 global $ page_cache, $wpdb;580 global $wpdb; 592 581 593 582 if ( empty($page) ) { 594 if ( isset($GLOBALS['page']) ) 583 if ( isset($GLOBALS['page']) ) { 595 584 $_page = & $GLOBALS['page']; 596 else 585 wp_cache_add($_page->ID, $_page, 'pages'); 586 } else { 597 587 $_page = null; 588 } 598 589 } elseif ( is_object($page) ) { 599 if ( !isset($page_cache[$page->ID]) ) 600 $page_cache[$page->ID] = &$page; 601 $_page = & $page_cache[$page->ID]; 602 } else { 603 if ( isset($GLOBALS['page']) && ($page == $GLOBALS['page']->ID) ) 590 wp_cache_add($page->ID, $page, 'pages'); 591 $_page = $page; 592 } else { 593 if ( isset($GLOBALS['page']) && ($page == $GLOBALS['page']->ID) ) { 604 594 $_page = & $GLOBALS['page']; 605 elseif ( isset($page_cache[$page]) ) 606 $_page = & $page_cache[$page]; 607 else { 595 wp_cache_add($_page->ID, $_page, 'pages'); 596 } elseif ( $_page = wp_cache_get($page, 'pages') ) { 597 // Got it. 598 } else { 608 599 $query = "SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE ID= '$page'"; 609 $ page_cache[$page]= & $wpdb->get_row($query);610 $_page = & $page_cache[$page];600 $_page = & $wpdb->get_row($query); 601 wp_cache_add($_page->ID, $_page, 'pages'); 611 602 } 612 603 } … … 623 614 } 624 615 616 function set_category_path($cat) { 617 $cat->fullpath = '/' . $cat->category_nicename; 618 $path = $cat->fullpath; 619 $curcat = $cat; 620 while ($curcat->category_parent != 0) { 621 $curcat = get_category($curcat->category_parent); 622 $path = '/' . $curcat->category_nicename . $path; 623 } 624 625 $cat->fullpath = $path; 626 627 return $cat; 628 } 629 625 630 // Retrieves category data given a category ID or category object. 626 631 // Handles category caching. 627 632 function &get_category(&$category, $output = OBJECT) { 628 global $ cache_categories, $wpdb;633 global $wpdb; 629 634 630 635 if ( empty($category) ) 631 636 return null; 632 637 633 if ( !isset($cache_categories) )634 update_category_cache();635 636 638 if ( is_object($category) ) { 637 if ( !isset($cache_categories[$category->cat_ID]) ) 638 $cache_categories[$category->cat_ID] = &$category; 639 $_category = & $cache_categories[$category->cat_ID]; 640 } else { 641 if ( !isset($cache_categories[$category]) ) { 639 wp_cache_add($category->cat_ID, $category, 'category'); 640 $_category = $category; 641 } else { 642 if ( ! $_category = wp_cache_get($category, 'category') ) { 642 643 $_category = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->categories WHERE cat_ID = '$category'"); 643 $cache_categories[$category->cat_ID] = & $_category; 644 } else { 645 $_category = & $cache_categories[$category]; 646 } 644 wp_cache_add($category, $_category, 'category'); 645 } 646 } 647 648 if ( !isset($_category->fullpath) ) { 649 $_category = set_category_path($_category); 650 wp_cache_replace($_category->cat_ID, $_category, 'category'); 647 651 } 648 652 … … 693 697 $category = &get_category($cat_ID); 694 698 return $category->cat_name; 699 } 700 701 function get_all_category_ids() { 702 global $wpdb; 703 704 if ( ! $cat_ids = wp_cache_get('all_category_ids', 'category') ) { 705 $cat_ids = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT cat_ID FROM $wpdb->categories"); 706 wp_cache_add('all_category_ids', $cat_ids, 'category'); 707 } 708 709 return $cat_ids; 695 710 } 696 711 … … 1232 1247 for ($i = 0; $i < count($pages); $i++) { 1233 1248 $page_cache[$pages[$i]->ID] = &$pages[$i]; 1249 wp_cache_add($pages[$i]->ID, $pages[$i], 'pages'); 1234 1250 } 1235 1251 } … … 1244 1260 1245 1261 function update_post_category_cache($post_ids) { 1246 global $wpdb, $category_cache , $cache_categories;1262 global $wpdb, $category_cache; 1247 1263 1248 1264 if ( empty($post_ids) ) … … 1256 1272 WHERE category_id = cat_ID AND post_id IN ($post_ids)"); 1257 1273 1258 if ( !isset($cache_categories) ) 1259 update_category_cache(); 1260 1261 if ( !empty($dogs) ) { 1262 foreach ($dogs as $catt) { 1263 $category_cache[$catt->post_id][$catt->cat_ID] = &$cache_categories[$catt->cat_ID]; 1264 } 1265 } 1274 if ( empty($dogs) ) 1275 return; 1276 1277 foreach ($dogs as $catt) 1278 $category_cache[$catt->post_id][$catt->cat_ID] = &get_category($catt->cat_ID); 1266 1279 } 1267 1280 … … 1323 1336 1324 1337 function update_category_cache() { 1325 global $cache_categories, $wpdb; 1326 if ( $dogs = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->categories") ): 1327 foreach ($dogs as $catt) 1328 $cache_categories[$catt->cat_ID] = $catt; 1329 1330 foreach ($cache_categories as $catt) { 1331 $curcat = $catt->cat_ID; 1332 $cache_categories[$catt->cat_ID]->fullpath = '/' . $cache_categories[$catt->cat_ID]->category_nicename; 1333 while ($cache_categories[$curcat]->category_parent != 0) { 1334 $curcat = $cache_categories[$curcat]->category_parent; 1335 $cache_categories[$catt->cat_ID]->fullpath = '/' . $cache_categories[$curcat]->category_nicename . $cache_categories[$catt->cat_ID]->fullpath; 1336 } 1337 } 1338 return true; 1339 else : 1340 return false; 1341 endif; 1342 } 1343 1344 function clean_user_cache($id) { 1345 global $cache_userdata; 1346 1347 if ( isset( $cache_userdata[$id] ) ) 1348 unset( $cache_userdata[$id] ); 1338 return true; 1349 1339 } 1350 1340 … … 2124 2114 if ( $cur->meta_value != $meta_value ) 2125 2115 $wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->usermeta SET meta_value = '$meta_value' WHERE user_id = '$user_id' AND meta_key = '$meta_key'"); 2116 2117 wp_cache_delete($user_id, 'users'); 2118 // FIXME: Need to delete username keyed cache object. 2126 2119 } 2127 2120
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