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Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#11917 closed defect (bug) (fixed)

Integer URI segments in slugs not pulling proper page

Reported by: jchristopher's profile jchristopher Owned by: ryan's profile ryan
Milestone: 3.0 Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 2.9.1
Component: Permalinks Keywords: has-patch commit
Focuses: Cc:


I'm currently building an image gallery consisting of some parent/children pages. The structure is as follows:

e.g. gallery/birthday/2009/

My permalink structure is set to WordPress 'Day and name' setting, and all page slugs were created by WordPress (I didn't edit them myself).

Browsing the admin area is as expected, pages are nested properly and editing works fine as well. The trouble arises when browsing the site itself. I'm able to navigate to the gallery/ page as well as the gallery/birthday/ "category" but as soon as I click the link to go to gallery/birthday/2009/ the gallery/birthday/ page loads. I print_r($post) and WordPress thinks it's displaying the parent page instead of /gallery/birthday/2009/

I changed the slug for the 2009 page to be 'test' and all was well, the proper page was pulled. I again changed the slug to '1000000' and the parent page was again pulled. It appears as though slugs with URI segments composed strictly of numbers cause things to break.

Attachments (4)

11917.patch (762 bytes) - added by miqrogroove 15 years ago.
Adds is_numeric to the hierarchical slugs blacklist.
11917.2.patch (763 bytes) - added by miqrogroove 15 years ago.
use ctype_digit, which is more conservative than is_numeric
11917.3.patch (779 bytes) - added by miqrogroove 15 years ago.
use preg equiv of ctype_digit
11917-part2.patch (816 bytes) - added by miqrogroove 15 years ago.
Also disallow 'page1' type slugs.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (17)

#1 @jchristopher
15 years ago

After some additional testing, creating a child page with the /2009/ page (and /1000000/ page) as a parent does work as expected.

Also, when firing functions such as wp_list_pages or get_pages the /2009/ and /1000000/ pages are pulled properly as children pages and include the proper permalinks.

#2 @miqrogroove
15 years ago

This has more to do with the internal "rewrite" system. It considers any trailing numeric tokens to be page numbers, so it's literally trying to find page number 2009 of a multi-paged birthday article.

I believe there is a valid bug here, however. WordPress really does not support numeric slugs and should be preventing you from using them.

#3 @jchristopher
15 years ago

I thought that might be the case, and agree that if it's established functionality, the auto-generated slug should be written in such a way to work around the issue. Thank you for the feedback!

#4 @miqrogroove
15 years ago

  • Keywords needs-patch added; slug URI URL removed
  • Milestone changed from Unassigned to 3.0

I'm in favor of rejecting numeric slugs outright. Another possible solution is to treat numeric slugs as duplicates and append the "-1" suffix, as is already done if you try to use "feed" as a slug. I'm not in favor of that idea because I would never want "2009-1" as a slug, but it does solve the immediate problem.

15 years ago

Adds is_numeric to the hierarchical slugs blacklist.

#5 @miqrogroove
15 years ago

  • Component changed from Rewrite Rules to Permalinks
  • Keywords has-patch tested added; needs-patch removed

Created and tested new patch on 3.0-alpha.

Before Patch: Created new items with numeric slugs, and observed no problem with numeric slugs for posts. Pages, on the other hand, can be mistaken for /yyyy/ links at the root, or for /about/n/ paged links at the child position.

After Patch: When Publishing a new page, if the slug is numeric, "-2" will be suffixed to the slug automatically. Pages can then be viewed normally with the slug suffix.

15 years ago

use ctype_digit, which is more conservative than is_numeric

15 years ago

use preg equiv of ctype_digit

#6 @nacinLead Developer
15 years ago

(In [13424]) Reject numeric page slugs as they don't work, and force a suffix. Props miqrogroove see #11917

#7 @miqrogroove
15 years ago

Thanks nacin! Note: ticket left open due to ongoing discussions in IRC about how to make a "better" fix.

#8 @miqrogroove
15 years ago

  • Keywords needs-patch added; has-patch tested removed

This is going to need more work per #8948

15 years ago

Also disallow 'page1' type slugs.

#9 @miqrogroove
15 years ago

  • Keywords has-patch commit added; needs-patch removed

#10 @nacinLead Developer
15 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

(In [13717]) Prevent page(\d+) slugs, and force a suffix. props miqrogroove. fixes #11917. see #8948

#11 @hakre
15 years ago

Can confirm the issue for WP 2.9.2. It is giving 404s on numeric post slugs.

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #forums by dmchale. View the logs.

10 years ago

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #forums by dmchale. View the logs.

10 years ago

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