#24765 closed enhancement (fixed)
Allow more attributes to the audio / video shortcode
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Milestone: | 4.0 | Priority: | normal |
Severity: | normal | Version: | 3.6 |
Component: | Shortcodes | Keywords: | |
Focuses: | Cc: |
width, height and poster are the only attributes applicable by the video shortcode. Audio supports no additional attributes at all.
The list of specified HTML5 attributes for audio and video can be found here:
Imho preload, autoplay, loop, muted and controls are attributes users should be able to set.
Currently both shortcode functions hardcode in controls="controls" preload="none"
with no way to replace them other than regex'ing the output.
The wp_audio_shortcode filter has access to $atts but that's not the original list of attributes specified in the shortcode (look a few lines up where $atts is redefined).
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Related: #25312