Make WordPress Core

Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#47431 closed defect (bug) (duplicate)

Healthcheck: Misleading Critical Issue when using Localhost servers for development

Reported by: gecko_guy's profile gecko_guy Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 5.2
Component: Site Health Keywords: site-health
Focuses: ui, rest-api Cc:


Critical issues report when using a localhost server that does not resolve to a real domain that is publicly accessible.

In both cases below this is not correct.

1: The REST API encountered an error

The REST API request failed due to an error.
Error: [] cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: dev.example.vm

The host resolution issue is not an error. Localhost domains can never resolve to a public nameserver.

2: Your site could not complete a loopback request

The loopback request to your site failed, this means features relying on them are not currently working as expected.
Error: [] cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: dev.example.vm

Loopback requests work fine, there is no error, it's just a localhost domain

Change History (5)

#1 @desrosj
5 years ago

  • Component changed from General to Administration
  • Keywords site-health added; needs-dev-note removed
  • Version changed from 5.2.1 to 5.2

#2 @dd32
5 years ago

I'm not sure the fact that it's a localhost server should mean any of the checks should just be skipped. It's a valid error and something that would affect it's "site health" - Cron tasks won't fire, some plugins will cease to operate, and probably a few other things that would be unexpected to many.

Sure, you can choose to ignore some of the checks on localhost if you know they're not an issue - but in this case it would make more sense to ensure that WordPress can resolve it's own domain - which can be done by making your development platform either respect your systems host file, or by adding those domains to the VMs hosts file or DNS resolver.

#3 follow-up: @desrosj
5 years ago

  • Milestone Awaiting Review deleted
  • Resolution set to duplicate
  • Status changed from new to closed

Related #47057, #47059.

I agree with @dd32, so I am going to close this one out. The related tickets I mentioned above expand on the points made by @dd32 a bit more.

If you are aware of why these tests are not passing in your local development environment and that is intended, there is a plugin you can use to turn off certain checks you feel are irrelevant.

#4 in reply to: ↑ 3 @gecko_guy
5 years ago

Replying to desrosj:

Related #47057, #47059.

I agree with @dd32, so I am going to close this one out. The related tickets I mentioned above expand on the points made by @dd32 a bit more.

If you are aware of why these tests are not passing in your local development environment and that is intended, there is a plugin you can use to turn off certain checks you feel are irrelevant.

Thank you for your input, agree the ticket should be closed.

On further investigation I discovered that the cause of the issue was due to the way in which the development sites were configured inside of Docker.

#5 @spacedmonkey
5 years ago

  • Component changed from Administration to Site Health
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