Make WordPress Core

Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#49400 closed enhancement (fixed)

Enable maintenance mode when a plugin auto-updates

Reported by: desrosj's profile desrosj Owned by: desrosj's profile desrosj
Milestone: 5.4 Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version:
Component: Upgrade/Install Keywords: has-patch
Focuses: docs Cc:


Currently, when an active plugin is auto-updating, it remains active and the site does not enter maintenance mode.

This can cause a few issues:

  • If a user loads the Plugins screen in the admin, the plugin could deactivate if an error is encountered mid upgrade.
  • If a user loads the front end of the website and an error is encountered, the WSOD protection will be triggered sending a "false alarm" email to the site admin.

This is a spin-off of #48850 to tackle this in a smaller chunk.

Also potentially related: #34676.

Attachments (3)

49400.diff (3.3 KB) - added by desrosj 5 years ago.
49400.1.patch (5.1 KB) - added by dkarfa 5 years ago.
49400.2.patch (5.5 KB) - added by bookdude13 5 years ago.
Docs added for themes file as well

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (24)

#1 @desrosjCore Committer
5 years ago

  • Keywords needs-testing added

49400.diff uses the same approach that is used in the Theme_Upgrader class, hooking into the pre-install/post-install filters.

#2 @desrosjCore Committer
5 years ago

  • Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to 5.4

@desrosjCore Committer
5 years ago

5 years ago

#3 @SergeyBiryukovCore Committer
5 years ago

The documentation fixes in 49400.1.patch look good at a glance, but I'd like to make sure they're consistent with class-theme-upgrader.php.

Let's get 49400.diff in for now, and improve the docs after Beta 1.

#4 @desrosjCore Committer
5 years ago

  • Owner set to desrosj
  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

In 47275:

Upgrade/Install: Enable maintenance mode when plugins are auto-updated.

When an attempt is made to update an active plugin automatically, there is the potential currently for two negative scenarios:

  • The plugin can be deactivated if the Plugins admin screen is loaded when the plugin update is incomplete, causing a PHP error.
  • The WSOD protection could be triggered, sending a false alarm email to the site administrator.

By enabling maintenance mode before an active plugin update is attempted, these scenarios can be avoided.

This change implements the same approach as the Theme_Upgrader class of using the upgrader_pre_install and upgrader_post_install hooks to toggle maintenance mode.

Props desrosj, SergeyBiryukov.
Fixes #49400.

#5 @desrosjCore Committer
5 years ago

  • Focuses docs added
  • Keywords needs-testing removed
  • Resolution fixed deleted
  • Status changed from closed to reopened

Reopening to improve the inline documentation during beta.

#6 @bookdude13
5 years ago

Inline docs checked, slightly reformatted, and applied to the functions in class-theme-upgrader.php as well.

Side question, is there a reason the filters in class-plugin-upgrader.php's bulk_update() are different than update(), but in class-theme-upgrader.php they are the same?

5 years ago

Docs added for themes file as well

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core by bookdude13. View the logs.

5 years ago

#8 @garrett-eclipse
5 years ago

@desrosj / @SergeyBiryukov
With auto-updates on plugins (#48850) having moved to 5.5 and the feature plugin should commit [47275] be reverted and this moved to the 5.5 milestone to align with the auto-updates functionality?

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core by david.baumwald. View the logs.

5 years ago

#10 @johnbillionCore Committer
5 years ago

  • Keywords revert added

#11 @desrosjCore Committer
5 years ago

Personally, I don’t feel this needs to be reverted. This is a self-contained enhancement to plugin auto-updates. While this feature has not been exposed through a UI in 5.4, site owners can still enable this with a filter.

On my personal sites, I have been seeing this work without issue since the day it was committed. I receive debug emails, and maintenance mode is correctly toggled before and after update.

If there is consensus to make all auto-update improvements in the same release, I’m fine with reverting. But this one is not coupled to the UI aspects, and will only prevent the two scenarios in the ticket description.

#12 @desrosjCore Committer
5 years ago

That said, the documentation does still need to be updated.

Last edited 5 years ago by desrosj (previous) (diff)

#13 @afragen
5 years ago

How does this effect premium plugins or plugins not on dot org that contain their own updating code?

Deactivating them in the middle of an update could be very problematic.

#14 @johnbillionCore Committer
5 years ago

  • Keywords revert removed

This doesn't deactivate anything, it puts the site into maintenance mode (via wp_maintenance()).

@desrosj In that case I'm happy to leave the code in place. The revert was more to remove non-functional code, but if this can be utilised by plugins then I'm happy for it to stay in.

I'll review the docs changes and get those in.

#15 follow-up: @johnbillionCore Committer
5 years ago

In 47409:

Upgrade/Install: Improved inline docs for the plugin and theme updater maintenance mode functionality.

Props bookdude13

See #49400

#16 @johnbillionCore Committer
5 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from reopened to closed

#17 in reply to: ↑ 15 @bookdude13
5 years ago

@dkarfa should get props too, I mostly reformatted what he had already put in for docs.
Replying to johnbillion:

Props bookdude13

See #49400

#18 @dkarfa
5 years ago

Hey @bookdude13
Thank you

#19 @johnbillionCore Committer
5 years ago

Apologies @dkarfa , my mistake.

I checked and as you've already gotten props on other changes in this release, you'll definitely be on the credits list for 5.4.

#20 @SergeyBiryukovCore Committer
5 years ago

In 47414:

Docs: Correct formatting of some DocBlocks in Plugin_Upgrader and Theme_Upgrader per the documentation standards.

See #49400.

#21 @dkarfa
5 years ago

Much obliged @johnbillion . May be the quantity of check will be less.

Last edited 5 years ago by dkarfa (previous) (diff)
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