Make WordPress Core

Opened 4 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#53572 new feature request

An "acknowledged" category for site health check for things managed outside of WordPress

Reported by: paradonym's profile paradonym Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: trivial Version: 5.1
Component: Site Health Keywords:
Focuses: ui Cc:


I'd like to have an option to acknowledge single elements of the site health check or an option to mark them as read and done.

Reason for this is that my managed wordpress hoster disables some features like the wordpress in-built updater to manage updates centralized and not from within the wordpress backends hosted by him. That's why wp_version_check() is disabled, but not that much of a problem to have it permanently affecting the site health.

So the site health check should have more categories: something like "done" and an "ignored" (or "acknowledged") and and "to do" while ignored should affect the score as if it is done.

Change History (3)

#1 @desrosj
4 years ago

  • Summary changed from an "acknowledged" category for site health check for things managed outside of wordpress to An "acknowledged" category for site health check for things managed outside of WordPress
  • Version changed from 5.7.2 to 5.1

#2 follow-up: @Clorith
3 years ago

Hi there, and welcome to the WordPress trac!

I can totally understand that it may feel strange to have some checks show up in certain scenarios, but I'm not sure an "acknowledgement" of an issue is something that fits within core it self, there are already plugins that let you enable/disable which checks to use, and they are better suited for this.
My rationale behind this is that the means of acknowledging or completing a potential issue within core, is by acting on it, and resolving the case that is being presented.

#3 in reply to: ↑ 2 @paradonym
3 years ago

Replying to Clorith:

Hi there, and welcome to the WordPress trac!

I can totally understand that it may feel strange to have some checks show up in certain scenarios, but I'm not sure an "acknowledgement" of an issue is something that fits within core it self, there are already plugins that let you enable/disable which checks to use, and they are better suited for this.
My rationale behind this is that the means of acknowledging or completing a potential issue within core, is by acting on it, and resolving the case that is being presented.

I can only find things like define( 'WP_DISABLE_FATAL_ERROR_HANDLING', true ); which disables the whole site health check (and I don't know what else, because I still want to have fatal error handling).
Maybe I'm googling wrong, but I just found ways to disable all checks.

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