Make WordPress Core

Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#55284 new defect (bug)

thumbnails issue

Reported by: simobenedettidesign's profile simobenedettidesign Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: major Version: 5.9.1
Component: Editor Keywords: needs-testing
Focuses: Cc:


After updating to the latest version of wordpress, the space between elements in the frontend is not respected. For example, the thumbnails of image galleries created with WordPress blocks are aligned abnormally, spaces are not respected. See Attachment.

Attachments (3)

Cattura.JPG (146.9 KB) - added by simobenedettidesign 3 years ago.
before.JPG (106.2 KB) - added by simobenedettidesign 3 years ago.
after.JPG (171.2 KB) - added by simobenedettidesign 3 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (10)

#1 follow-up: @hilayt24
3 years ago

Hi @simobenedettidesign, Can you please provide information regarding the enviorment in which this is appearing.

#2 in reply to: ↑ 1 @simobenedettidesign
3 years ago

Replying to hilayt24:

Hi @simobenedettidesign, Can you please provide information regarding the enviorment in which this is appearing.

Server Architecture
Linux 3.10.0-862.2.3.el7.x86_64 x86_64
Server web
PHP Version

Do you need more information?


#3 follow-up: @costdev
3 years ago

  • Component changed from Post Thumbnails to Editor

Hi @simobenedettidesign, welcome to Trac!

Please provide the following additional information:

  • What theme are you using?
  • How are you setting the space between elements?
  • Are you using one Gallery block? If not, please tell us the blocks that you're using.
  • What browser(s) does this issue appear in?
  • Is the Gutenberg plugin installed and activated, or not?

#4 in reply to: ↑ 3 @simobenedettidesign
3 years ago

Hi there,

  • I am using Divi theme
  • The spacing between thumbnails is automatically set (I am using WP Gallery block). I have no issues with my current WordPress installation (5.8.3), the spacing between elements is respected but if I try to upgrade to the latest version (5.9.1) the spacing is lost
  • I have tested with Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Edge, the issue occurs with every browser
  • Gutenberg? I only have the WordPress editor, I have no extra plugins installed with this name

Thanks for your help

Replying to costdev:

Hi @simobenedettidesign, welcome to Trac!

Please provide the following additional information:

  • What theme are you using?
  • How are you setting the space between elements?
  • Are you using one Gallery block? If not, please tell us the blocks that you're using.
  • What browser(s) does this issue appear in?
  • Is the Gutenberg plugin installed and activated, or not?

#5 follow-up: @costdev
3 years ago

  • Keywords needs-testing added

Thanks very much for this additional information @simobenedettidesign!

I was unable to reproduce the issue on 5.9.1 with a bundled theme and a gallery block.

Does the issue occur for newly inserted Gallery blocks, or only those that existed prior to upgrading to 5.9?

#6 in reply to: ↑ 5 @simobenedettidesign
3 years ago

Replying to costdev:

Thanks very much for this additional information @simobenedettidesign!

I was unable to reproduce the issue on 5.9.1 with a bundled theme and a gallery block.

Does the issue occur for newly inserted Gallery blocks, or only those that existed prior to upgrading to 5.9?

It does not occur in old entries that have already been published prior to 5.9.1 upgrade.
However, it occurs in old posts if I open them in the WP editor and click on 'post preview'.
But if I try to open an old post, make a change and update, once saved the issue occurs both in preview and on the front-end.
As for the new entries, it occurs both in preview mode and after their publication.

That's weird but hope this helps!

Last edited 3 years ago by simobenedettidesign (previous) (diff)

#7 @simobenedettidesign
3 years ago

Hello there,

There is still something that is not working properly and needs to be fixed.

Elements inside a wp-block-gallery are not correctly aligned.

I attach 2 screenshots, in the first one you can see how the gallery block is correctly displayed in WordPress 5.8.4:

In the second one you can see how the gallery block looks like in the latest versions (5.9.1, 5.9.2, 5.9.3).
Completely misaligned.

This happens both in preview mode and after the post is published.

It occurs only for new blocks created but not for existing ones.

Hope this helps and you can fix it in the next release.

All the best!

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