Make WordPress Core

Opened 23 months ago

Closed 22 months ago

Last modified 22 months ago

#57926 closed defect (bug) (invalid)

WordPress WP_User_query generate SQL Problem

Reported by: hasanyuksektepe's profile hasanyuksektepe Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 6.1.1
Component: Query Keywords: reporter-feedback
Focuses: Cc:


The code I use is as follows.


    $list_number = 20;
    $paged       = $_GET['paged'] ?? 1;
    if($paged == 1){
        $paged = 0;
        $paged = ($paged - 1) * $list_number;

    $user_arg = [
        'role__in' => ['customer'],
        'paged'    => ($paged + 1),
        'offset'   => ($paged + 1),
        'number'   => $list_number,
        'orderby'  => 'order',
        'order'    => 'DESC',

    $search_text = esc_attr(trim($_GET['s']));

        $user_arg['search']         = '*'.$search_text.'*';

    $user_query = new WP_User_Query($user_arg);


but it doesn't give me results.

This is the sql it created.

SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS wp_users.* FROM wp_users INNER JOIN wp_usermeta ON ( wp_users.ID = wp_usermeta.user_id ) WHERE 1=1 AND ( 
    ( wp_usermeta.meta_key = 'wp_capabilities' AND wp_usermeta.meta_value LIKE '{931f21fb875f553b7863c5e753239abe423e792b6f5ad7e8c4386d251442470c}\"customer\"{931f21fb875f553b7863c5e753239abe423e792b6f5ad7e8c4386d251442470c}' )
) AND (user_login LIKE '{931f21fb875f553b7863c5e753239abe423e792b6f5ad7e8c4386d251442470c}zua.apex{931f21fb875f553b7863c5e753239abe423e792b6f5ad7e8c4386d251442470c}' OR user_url LIKE '{931f21fb875f553b7863c5e753239abe423e792b6f5ad7e8c4386d251442470c}zua.apex{931f21fb875f553b7863c5e753239abe423e792b6f5ad7e8c4386d251442470c}' OR user_email LIKE '{931f21fb875f553b7863c5e753239abe423e792b6f5ad7e8c4386d251442470c}zua.apex{931f21fb875f553b7863c5e753239abe423e792b6f5ad7e8c4386d251442470c}' OR user_nicename LIKE '{931f21fb875f553b7863c5e753239abe423e792b6f5ad7e8c4386d251442470c}zua.apex{931f21fb875f553b7863c5e753239abe423e792b6f5ad7e8c4386d251442470c}' OR display_name LIKE '{931f21fb875f553b7863c5e753239abe423e792b6f5ad7e8c4386d251442470c}zua.apex{931f21fb875f553b7863c5e753239abe423e792b6f5ad7e8c4386d251442470c}' OR user_url LIKE '{931f21fb875f553b7863c5e753239abe423e792b6f5ad7e8c4386d251442470c}zua.apex{931f21fb875f553b7863c5e753239abe423e792b6f5ad7e8c4386d251442470c}' OR display_name LIKE '{931f21fb875f553b7863c5e753239abe423e792b6f5ad7e8c4386d251442470c}zua.apex{931f21fb875f553b7863c5e753239abe423e792b6f5ad7e8c4386d251442470c}') ORDER BY user_login DESC LIMIT 1, 20


I have no idea why it's making them. When I change this expression to %, it finds results.

I tried changing the expressions but failed.

Change History (7)

#1 @craigfrancis
23 months ago

Hi Hasan,

Just to confirm, are you looking at the SQL from $user_query->request?

At this point it still uses the "placeholder escape string", which is (usually) a random value surrounded by "{}".

It's used to "escape anything that resembles a printf() placeholder", where it's simply a search and replace for the "%" character.

It is a bit of a weird feature, where I believe it was originally designed to allow the SQL string to go though wpdb::prepare() multiple times.

Just before the SQL is actually sent to the database, all of these are converted back to a "%", via wpdb::remove_placeholder_escape(); and this is done via a 'query' filter.

It sounds like you're doing that last step yourself, so you can run the SQL manually.

To get the results normally, you can call $user_query->get_results().

#2 @hasanyuksektepe
23 months ago


I understand what you are saying and thank you for your explanation.

So, when I search the users by email, why does not the result come up even though it is searched in the user_email column?

#3 @craigfrancis
23 months ago

Hi Hasan,

Maybe you only have 1 record that matches, and it's being excluded by:

    'paged'    => ($paged + 1),
    'offset'   => ($paged + 1),

Where your SQL contains LIMIT 1, 20.

Normally the offset starts at 0; and when it comes to this config, you would either use 'paged' or 'offset' (not both).


If that's not it, I've taken your output SQL, replaced the placeholder escape string, and re-formatted, so you can check if the query works:

  SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS wp_users.*
  wp_usermeta ON ( wp_users.ID = wp_usermeta.user_id )
  1=1 AND
        wp_usermeta.meta_key = 'wp_capabilities' AND 
        wp_usermeta.meta_value LIKE '%\"customer\"%'
  ) AND (
    user_login LIKE '%zua.apex%' OR 
    user_url LIKE '%zua.apex%' OR 
    user_email LIKE '%zua.apex%' OR 
    user_nicename LIKE '%zua.apex%' OR 
    display_name LIKE '%zua.apex%' OR 
    user_url LIKE '%zua.apex%' OR 
    display_name LIKE '%zua.apex%'
  user_login DESC
  1, 20

#4 @hellofromTonya
23 months ago

  • Component changed from General to Query
  • Keywords reporter-feedback added

#5 @hasanyuksektepe
22 months ago

Thanks. Problem Solved.

Last edited 22 months ago by hasanyuksektepe (previous) (diff)

#6 @craigfrancis
22 months ago

  • Milestone Awaiting Review deleted
  • Resolution set to invalid
  • Status changed from new to closed

#7 @craigfrancis
22 months ago

np, hope the rest of your project goes well.

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