Make WordPress Core

Opened 21 months ago

#58310 new enhancement

Move the login forms into functions and add them in place with a hook to allow them to be replaced

Reported by: oglekler's profile oglekler Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version:
Component: Login and Registration Keywords:
Focuses: Cc:


There are different ways to replace forms, one is the redirect to different page(s), another is to add it to the login_form_{$action} action add to add other things like login_footer() after and then exit. It will be much more flexible and convenient to filter the forms output instead of replicating things.

It would be even better to add two hooks — the first to change the form function, and the second to filter HTML, if nesessary. But perhaps this is too much.

For reference, the wp-login.php file has 6 forms:

  • language switcher
  • admin email confirmation
  • lost password
  • password reset
  • register
  • login

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