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Opened 18 months ago

Closed 18 months ago

Last modified 18 months ago

#59167 closed defect (bug) (fixed)

HTML API: Stop proceeding HTML when encountering unsupported markup.

Reported by: dmsnell's profile dmsnell Owned by: bernhard-reiter's profile Bernhard Reiter
Milestone: 6.4 Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 6.4
Component: HTML API Keywords: has-patch has-unit-tests commit
Focuses: Cc:


It was a design goal of the HTML Processor to abort processing its input document when encountering unsupported markup. Unfortunately there was no test for this and so-far, the HTML Processor has paused, but continued processing in these situations.

In this patch a new test ensures that the HTML Processor stops and refuses to move forward after encountering any unsupported markup. It also ensures that it doesn't report any current tag names since unsupported markup could imply that the read tag name is different than the parsed tag name.

Change History (4)

This ticket was mentioned in PR #5048 on WordPress/wordpress-develop by @dmsnell.

18 months ago

  • Keywords has-unit-tests added

Trac ticket: #59167-trac

It was a design goal of the HTML Processor to abort processing its input document when encountering unsupported markup. Unfortunately there was no test for this and so-far, the HTML Processor has paused, but continued processing in these situations.

In this patch a new test ensures that the HTML Processor stops and refuses to move forward after encountering any unsupported markup. It also ensures that it doesn't report any current tag names since unsupported markup could imply that the read tag name is different than the parsed tag name.

#2 @Bernhard Reiter
18 months ago

  • Keywords commit added
  • Milestone changed from Awaiting Review to 6.4

#3 @Bernhard Reiter
18 months ago

  • Owner set to Bernhard Reiter
  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

In 56493:

HTML API: Stop processing HTML when encountering unsupported markup.

It was a design goal of the HTML Processor to abort processing its input document when encountering unsupported markup. Unfortunately there was no test for this and so-far, the HTML Processor has paused, but continued processing in these situations.

In this patch a new test ensures that the HTML Processor stops and refuses to move forward after encountering any unsupported markup. It also ensures that it doesn't report any current tag names since unsupported markup could imply that the read tag name is different than the parsed tag name.

Props dmsnell.
Fixes #59167.

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