Opened 4 months ago
#62168 new defect (bug)
MutliSite install Network Admin links incorrect -- not using 'home' & 'siteurl' settings
Reported by: |
Owned by: | |
Milestone: | Awaiting Review | Priority: | normal |
Severity: | normal | Version: | 6.6.2 |
Component: | Administration | Keywords: | |
Focuses: | Cc: |
I have a bedrock-installed wordpress6 multisite.
composer show | grep -i roots | sort
roots/bedrock-autoloader 1.0.4 An autoloader that enables standard...
roots/bedrock-disallow-indexing 2.0.0 Disallow indexing of your site on n...
roots/wordpress 6.6.2 WordPress is open source software y...
roots/wordpress-core-installer 1.100.0 A custom installer to handle deploy...
roots/wordpress-no-content 6.6.2 WordPress is open source software y...
roots/wp-config 1.0.0 Collect configuration values and sa...
roots/wp-password-bcrypt 1.2.0 WordPress plugin which replaces wp_...
everything so far works. Except the links generated for the NetworkAdmin Dashboard etc.
This is correct
SELECT option_name, option_value
FROM wp_options
WHERE option_name IN ('siteurl', 'home');
| option_name | option_value |
| home | |
| siteurl | |
SELECT meta_key, meta_value
FROM wp_sitemeta
WHERE meta_key = 'siteurl';
| meta_key | meta_value |
| siteurl | |
I'm logged as superuser to my webUI admin Dashboard.
The menu links in the upper right hand corner
MySites > > Dashboard
are correct
But for the MultiSite Network links
MySites > Network Admin > Dashboard
missing 'wp/' from the path.
Nav to
returns a 404.
Manual nav to
correctly renders the Network Admin dashboard.
checking also
add_action('admin_bar_menu', function($admin_bar) {
}, 100);
i can workaround it in functions.php
add_filter('network_admin_url', function ($url) {
return str_replace('wp-admin/', 'wp/wp-admin/', $url);