Make WordPress Core

Opened 7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#43030 closed defect (bug) (wontfix)

Mce-view.js still says it's experimental

Reported by: programmin's profile programmin Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 4.9.1
Component: TinyMCE Keywords:
Focuses: javascript, administration Cc:


The views system in wp-includes/js/mce-views.js still says

  • Note: this API is "experimental" meaning that it will probably change
  • in the next few releases based on feedback from 3.9.0.
  • If you decide to use it, please follow the development closely.

Since this has been generally working since the major rewrite of 4.2, and documentation has started on it (, can this be removed?

Change History (1)

#1 @iseulde
7 years ago

  • Milestone Awaiting Review deleted
  • Resolution set to wontfix
  • Status changed from new to closed

The note is still kind of true. Work on this editor block concept is still being done, and one is required to follow development closely from release to release. If Gutenberg lands, this API would go straight from experimental to deprecated in 5.0.0, though it could still be used within the "Classic" block for backward compatibility.

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