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Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 18 months ago

#54144 new defect (bug)

The New Blocks Widgets Causes a Huge Load on the Database

Reported by: oxibug's profile oxibug Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: critical Version: 5.8.1
Component: Widgets Keywords:
Focuses: administration, performance Cc:


Hi There!

My host on DigitalOcean with 4GB RAM which is too large for any small WordPress site, and I had no issues until you released the new Widgets.

Just while loading the widgets in the Admin Dashboard, I receive a DB error message (which I made to know about an overload) in every Widget box.

This is a very wired situation not suitable for my server's resources, I don't know if someone else report this issue before but now all my websites upgraded to v5.8 always down in the Widgets pages because of overload on database.

Thanks hope to fix soon

Attachments (1)

WordPress v581 Widgets DB Overload Issue.jpg (474.8 KB) - added by oxibug 3 years ago.
Widgets DB Overload Issue

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Change History (4)

3 years ago

Widgets DB Overload Issue

#1 @sabernhardt
3 years ago

First, have you installed the Classic Widgets plugin to disable the block editor in widgets yet? (Later, you may need to deactivate the plugin temporarily to give more details for this ticket.)

If the post editor works well with blocks but the widgets cannot handle them, knowing the widget content might help. I doubt the HTML text or search blocks would cause the problem on their own; the Facebook like box is a bit more likely. Maybe the problem is related to legacy widget previews (#54075).

#2 @oxibug
3 years ago

@sabernhardt I don't use the Classic Widgets plugin, But it could be because of Facebook likebox and Embed video widgets, Thanks a Lot

But you'll release v5.9 in December :) Any temporary fix?

#3 @spacedmonkey
18 months ago

@oxibug Have you upgrade to WP 6.2? Is this still an issue?

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