Make WordPress Core

Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 32 hours ago

#56017 assigned task (blessed)

Check the required PHP extensions during WordPress installation and updates

Reported by: sergeybiryukov's profile SergeyBiryukov Owned by: johnbillion's profile johnbillion
Milestone: 6.8 Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version:
Component: Upgrade/Install Keywords: dev-feedback has-patch
Focuses: Cc:


Background: #55603

Currently, marking a PHP extension as required in Site Health displays a warning on existing sites if the extension is unavailable, but it does not block the WP installation for new sites, nor the updates to the new version for older sites.

To avoid fatal errors, WordPress core should check for the required PHP extensions both during installation and updates, similar to how we check for the required PHP and MySQL versions.

As also noted by @jrf in comment:2:ticket:55603:

Might also be a good time to improve the code re-usability in that regards (have one master list of requirements and recommendations, which both the requirements checker on installation/load + the Site Health component draw from).

Change History (17)

#1 @JavierCasares
3 years ago

This has always been a big discussion in the Hosting Team.

WordPress Handbook PHP extensions


Highly recommended:

  • curl – Performs remote request operations.
  • dom – Used to validate Text Widget content and to automatically configure IIS7+.
  • exif – Works with metadata stored in images.
  • fileinfo – Used to detect mimetype of file uploads.
  • hash – Used for hashing, including passwords and update packages.
  • imagick – Provides better image quality for media uploads. See WP_Image_Editor for details. Smarter image resizing (for smaller images) and PDF thumbnail support, when Ghost Script is also available.
  • mbstring – Used to properly handle UTF8 text.
  • openssl – Permits SSL-based connections to other hosts.
  • pcre – Increases performance of pattern matching in code searches.
  • xml – Used for XML parsing, such as from a third-party site.
  • zip – Used for decompressing Plugins, Themes, and WordPress update packages.

Fallbacks or optional:

  • bc – For arbitrary precision mathematics, which supports numbers of any size and precision up to 2147483647 decimal digits.
  • filter – Used for securely filtering user input.
  • image – If Imagick isn’t installed, the GD Graphics Library is used as a functionally limited fallback for image manipulation.
  • iconv – Used to convert between character sets.
  • intl – Enable to perform locale-aware operations including but not limited to formatting, transliteration, encoding conversion, calendar operations, conformant collation, locating text boundaries and working with locale identifiers, timezones and graphemes.
  • simplexml – Used for XML parsing.
  • sodium – Validates Signatures and provides securely random bytes.
  • xmlreader – Used for XML parsing.
  • zlib – Gzip compression and decompression.

File changes (depends on hosting):

  • ssh2 – Provide access to resources (shell, remote exec, tunneling, file transfer) on a remote machine using a secure cryptographic transport.
  • ftp – Implement client access to files servers speaking the File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
  • sockets – Implements a low-level interface to the socket communication functions based on the popular BSD sockets.

And, finally, a recommendation we did some time ago:

Why hosters should install the PHP-intl extension

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #hosting-community by javier. View the logs.

3 years ago

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #hosting-community by jadonn. View the logs.

3 years ago

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #hosting-community by javier. View the logs.

3 years ago

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #hosting-community by chaion07. View the logs.

3 years ago

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #hosting-community by jadonn. View the logs.

3 years ago

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #hosting-community by javier. View the logs.

3 years ago

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #hosting-community by amykamala. View the logs.

3 years ago

#9 @costdev
2 years ago

  • Keywords dev-feedback added

@SergeyBiryukov @jrf What's the preferred approach here for code reusability? Should we use a new constant, such as WP_PHP_EXTENSIONS in wp-includes/default-constants.php?

In this Site Health location, it can still be filtered for BC.

If not, what would you propose?

#10 @desrosj
2 years ago

Related: #47699.

#11 @audrasjb
2 years ago

  • Milestone changed from 6.1 to Future Release

With WP 6.1 RC 1 scheduled tomorrow (Oct 10, 2022), there is not much time left to address this ticket. Given it still needs a patch, let's move this ticket to Future Release.

Ps: if you were about to send a patch and if you feel it is realistic to commit it in the next few hours, please feel free to move this ticket back to milestone 6.1.

#12 @SergeyBiryukov
2 years ago

Related: #47272, #48116.

As noted in comment:36:ticket:55603:

There is precedent for blocking a site from upgrading when a PHP extension is missing. In WordPress 5.2, the native JSON extension was marked as required (see [46455]). When an upgrade was attempted and a site did not have this extension loaded, an error was shown and the update was cancelled.
One other thing to note is that an error code specific to the scenario where the JSON extension missing is returned, which allows the number of sites to being blocked from an update to be tracked in .org's mission control to gauge whether this deprecation ends up being problematic or not (see [46560]).

#13 @johnbillion
4 days ago

  • Milestone changed from Future Release to 6.8
  • Owner set to johnbillion
  • Status changed from new to assigned

This ticket was mentioned in PR #8252 on WordPress/wordpress-develop by @johnbillion.

2 days ago

  • Keywords has-patch added

This introduces a new workflow which tests the upgrade process from the three latest major versions to the current branch version. The current branch is built and zipped up, and the zip is used by WP-CLI for the update.

This uses a smaller set of matrix values than the "Upgrade Tests" workflow. I think this is sufficient for now, it can always be expanded at a later date if necessary.

Workflow runs can be seen here:

Trac ticket:
Trac ticket:

@audrasjb commented on PR #8252:

2 days ago

Thanks for the ping @johnbillion. While I'm not the best person to checkout this proposal, I just wanted to ask a question about the "a new workflow which tests the upgrade process from the three latest major versions to the current branch" part: if this proposal is accepted, does it mean that we'll have to manually bump the related versions on each major release? This is not a blocker, but definitely something that will need some specific documentation on the major release handbook page :)

@johnbillion commented on PR #8252:

2 days ago

@audrasjb Yes that's correct. We already have that in several other workflows, eg the performance tests, old branch tests, and upgrade tests. I'll make a note to get the major release handbook page udpated.

@johnbillion commented on PR #8252:

32 hours ago

we already generate a ZIP of the code in the current branch during the build test workflow

Yeah, if you take a look at the first few commits in this branch you'll see that I was initially trying to use that build, but it requires using the workflow_run trigger in order to make use of the build artifact once the workflow completes, and that trigger can't be tested in a PR because it only functions when the workflow with the trigger exists in the default branch. I tried workflow_dispatch but similarly this can't be tested in a PR from a fork. So I just went with another build.

I think this could be accomplished with some conditional checks, but we'd likely need to add a 3rd-party action like changed-files to know when to run each job

I understand your point but I'm not overly keen on adding further third party actions. Is a bunch of conditionals and an extra third party action better than an additional workflow? I don't think there's much between them.

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