Make WordPress Core

Opened 2 years ago

Closed 2 years ago

Last modified 2 years ago

#57205 closed defect (bug) (invalid)

PHP 8.1 warning : Implicit conversion from float 9.9 to int loses precision

Reported by: roadlink's profile roadlink Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 4.7
Component: General Keywords: php81 reporter-feedback
Focuses: Cc:


I use pressable as hosting and tehir php error log shows me these.

[24-Nov-2022 20:41:44 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Implicit conversion from float 9.9 to int loses precision in /wordpress/core/6.1.1/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 77
[24-Nov-2022 20:41:44 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Implicit conversion from float 9.9 to int loses precision in /wordpress/core/6.1.1/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 79

Attachments (1)

57205.diff (624 bytes) - added by mcaskill 2 years ago.
Convert non-integers to strings.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (10)

#1 @costdev
2 years ago

  • Keywords php81 added

#2 @jrf
2 years ago

  • Keywords close added; needs-patch removed

Thanks @roadlink for reporting this.

Unfortunately, there is nothing which can be done without a backtrace of the notice.

The notice basically tells us there is a function call to `add_filter()` which passes 9.9 (a floating point number) as the $priority, while that parameter is only supposed to be set to an integer (whole number).

No such function call exists in WP Core, so this function call to add_filter() (or add_action()) comes from a plugin or a theme.

Without a backtrace it is impossible to determine which plugin or theme is doing it wrong.

The issue should be fixed in the plugin/theme. No action should be taken on this in WP Core.

You could try to figure out which plugin/theme is causing this by disabling them one by one until the notice is no longer being written to the logs.

Once you've figured out the plugin/theme, please report it to the author of the plugin/theme and ask them to fix it.

Suggest: close.

Last edited 2 years ago by jrf (previous) (diff)

#3 @jrf
2 years ago

For the record: I've done a plugin search and couldn't find a plugin hosted on which does this, so this is likely a custom or commercial plugin:

#4 @desrosj
2 years ago

  • Keywords reporter-feedback added; close removed
  • Milestone Awaiting Review deleted
  • Resolution set to invalid
  • Status changed from new to closed

Closing this one out due to lack of additional details to show this is an issue within Core itself.

Discussion can continue on closed tickets, and it can be reopened if someone can provide more context.

#5 follow-up: @mcaskill
2 years ago

  • Resolution invalid deleted
  • Status changed from closed to reopened

I've been encountering this deprecation warning as well in recent projects. As mentioned already, this stems from third-party software using floats as a hook priority.

Since, historically, floats have been permitted and prior to PHP 8 were implicitly converted to strings, we could explicitly convert them to strings in order to support PHP 8+ without introducing a breaking change compared to this older ticket (#30875) which proposed enforcing only integers.

2 years ago

Convert non-integers to strings.

#6 @mcaskill
2 years ago

  • Version changed from 6.1.1 to 4.7

#7 in reply to: ↑ 5 @jrf
2 years ago

  • Resolution set to invalid
  • Status changed from reopened to closed

Replying to mcaskill:

I've been encountering this deprecation warning as well in recent projects. As mentioned already, this stems from third-party software using floats as a hook priority.

Which only goes to confirm this should be fixed in the third-party software.

Since, historically, floats have been permitted...

Historically, floats were never "permitted", they just accidentally worked due to a quirk in PHP. The function has always been documented to expect integers and this has not changed.

and prior to PHP 8 were implicitly converted to strings, we could explicitly convert them to strings in order to support PHP 8+ without introducing a breaking change compared to this older ticket (#30875) which proposed enforcing only integers.

This would hide an error, which should be fixed (in the third party software) instead. We're not helping anyone by hiding away helpful notices/warnings. This will only cause more problems later on.

#8 follow-up: @mcaskill
2 years ago

Thank you for the confirmation on the matter.

I'll be sure to take this up with the offending third-parties.

In which case, should integers be enforced with an is_int() check that either returns false or calls _doing_it_wrong()?

#9 in reply to: ↑ 8 @jrf
2 years ago

Replying to mcaskill:

Thank you for the confirmation on the matter.

I'll be sure to take this up with the offending third-parties.

In which case, should integers be enforced with an is_int() check that either returns false or calls _doing_it_wrong()?

I'm undecided on that at this moment. Adding a _doing_it_wrong() would raise the error level from E_DEPRECATED to E_NOTICE, but would also make it more visible as the notice will display on all PHP versions, not just on PHP 8.1 and up.

I'd like to hear some more opinions about this.

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