Make WordPress Core

Opened 7 months ago

Closed 7 months ago

Last modified 7 months ago

#61886 closed defect (bug) (invalid)

WSOD on admin search and password reset pages - WordPress 6.6.1 with PHP 8.1

Reported by: tomcoady's profile tomcoady Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 6.6.1
Component: General Keywords: reporter-feedback close
Focuses: Cc:


I'm experiencing a White Screen of Death (WSOD) in WordPress 6.6.1 running on PHP 8.1 under specific circumstances:

When performing searches in the WordPress admin backend
When attempting to access password reset pages

System Details:

WordPress Version: 6.6.1
PHP Version: 8.1
Server: Apache
Host: Krystal

Steps to Reproduce:

Log into the WordPress admin area
Attempt to use the search function in any admin page (e.g., Posts, Pages, or Media)
Observe WSOD instead of search results
Navigate to the lost password page (wp-login.php?action=lostpassword)
Observe WSOD instead of the password reset form

Additional Observations:

The issue persists even with all plugins deactivated and using a default WordPress theme
The following deprecation warnings have been observed in the error logs:
[Include the specific error messages you shared earlier, such as:]

[16-Aug-2024 08:01:40 UTC] PHP Deprecated: stripslashes(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in /home/chocola5/public_html/bridge2cart/bridge.php on line 8364
[16-Aug-2024 08:06:43 UTC] PHP Deprecated: strpos(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($haystack) of type string is deprecated in /home/chocola5/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 7300

These deprecation warnings may or may not be directly related to the WSOD issue

Attempted Solutions:

Updated all plugins and themes
Temporarily deactivated all plugins
Switched to a default WordPress theme
Enabled WP_DEBUG and checked for additional error messages
Discovered the only way to fix is to disable core woocommerce app
I force reinstalled this plugin but this made no difference

This issue severely impacts site administration and user account management. Admin searches are non-functional, and users are unable to reset their passwords.
Any assistance in identifying the root cause or providing a solution would be greatly appreciated. I'm happy to provide any additional information or perform further troubleshooting steps as needed."
This report provides a clear title that summarizes the issue and includes key details (WordPress and PHP versions). The description offers a comprehensive overview of the problem, including system details, steps to reproduce, related error messages, and attempted solutions. This should give the WordPress development team a good starting point for investigating the issue.

Attachments (1)

PHP 8.1.29 - phpinfo().pdf (283.5 KB) - added by tomcoady 7 months ago.
PHP info

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (11)

7 months ago

PHP info

#1 @devansh2002
7 months ago

I tried to replicate this issue but can't reproduce the reported issue.

WordPress Version: 6.6.1 Fresh install
PHP Version: 8.1.29
Server: Apache
Host: Krystal Local by Flywheel

#3 @devansh2002
7 months ago

Yes, I also got the WSOD on the above website. Most probably a plugin or theme may be causing this issue for your site.

Discovered the only way to fix is to disable core woocommerce app

As mentioned by you woocommerce plugin may be the cause for this try disabling this or raising a issue here

#4 @tomcoady
7 months ago

@devansh2002 thank you so much for testing and confirming my observation

The only way I was able to remove the WSOD was to disable ALL plugins including woocommerce but of course this cannot be the root cause.

#5 @jrf
7 months ago

  • Focuses php-compatibility removed
  • Keywords close added
  • Severity changed from major to normal

The only way I was able to remove the WSOD was to disable ALL plugins including woocommerce but of course this cannot be the root cause.

@tomcoady Well, what this does mean is that the root cause is not WordPress Core, but somewhere in one of the plugins or due to a combination of various plugins.

To figure out the real cause, the actual fatal error which causes the WSOD is needed, including a backtrace. The deprecation notices quoted in the issue description are extremely unlikely to be the cause (unless some plugin is catching deprecations via a custom error handler and elevating them to fatal errors... if so: delete that plugin immediately as the devs clearly don't know what they're doing).

The access logs you posted do not help either.
Note: I've taken the liberty to delete those as they exposed privacy sensitive information (IP addresses) about the visitors to your website.

As this is not a WP Core issue, I'm going to suggest closing this issue.

Please do feel free to post the actual error message with a backtrace here if you need help figuring out which plugin to report the actual problem to.

#6 @brobken
7 months ago

  • Resolution set to invalid
  • Status changed from new to closed

#7 @desrosj
7 months ago

  • Milestone Awaiting Review deleted

#8 follow-up: @tomcoady
7 months ago

Underlying cause was misconfigured Cloudflare worker!

#9 in reply to: ↑ 8 @jrf
7 months ago

Replying to tomcoady:

Underlying cause was misconfigured Cloudflare worker!

@tomcoady Thanks for letting us know and I'm glad to hear you found the issue and, I presume, solved the problem now.

#10 @tomcoady
7 months ago

Yes all is back in working order now, thanks

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