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Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#7860 closed defect (bug) (invalid)

Gallery / Media Library "Save all Changes" doesn't save certain changes.

Reported by: miloandrew's profile miloandrew Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 2.6.1
Component: Administration Keywords: 2.6.2, gallery, media library
Focuses: Cc:


Reporting this for Version 2.6.2 (no drop down for that version)


I've searched both Trac and the Codex forum for this and haven't seen anything specific to this perceived bug.

When using the Add Media: Image option, the resulting Media loader doesn't save certain changes that are made to the uploaded images.

For example, after uploading a single image, I can click the Gallery or Media Library tabs and see my uploaded file.

If I change the caption or description of that file and click "Save all Changes", those changes are saved.

If I try to change the Link attribute, by either using one of the link presets or try to put in my own link and click "Save all Changes", the link always reverts back to the attachment link when I view that image again.

If I click a certain image size and alignment and click "Save all Changes" those options are not saved.

If I change the link, alignment and size options and then use "Insert Into Post", they work fine for that insert, but the options settings are not retained.

These settings should be retained when "Save all Changes" is clicked.

One of the key challenges with this, is if you would like to use the gallery shortcode and have the images link to a page other than the default upload page, it is impossible given the current implementation.

Ideally, this would be changed to allow the link to be saved by image, so that the user specified link works regardless of if the image is inserted into the post or shown in the Gallery.

Also, the size and alignment preferences should be saved, or at least better described so that the user is aware they only apply to that one "Insert" operation.

Thanks much!


Change History (4)

#1 @azaozz
16 years ago

Yes, these are two different groups of settings: caption and description stay with the image, but size, alignment and link are meant to be set on per-post basis if the image is inserted in more than one post. In 2.7 there are global settings for the latter three, allowing the user to set the defaults.

Currently the gallery settings are not easily accessible, in 2.7 there will be a dialog to change most of them.

#2 follow-up: @miloandrew
16 years ago

Ok - thanks for the info!

One question though - global settings doesn't seem to cover the point of individual custom links being set and saved for each uploaded photo. Or, are you saying that the link for the photo is "globally" saved, because it stays with the photo, not the post?

Thanks again,

#3 in reply to: ↑ 2 @azaozz
16 years ago

Replying to miloandrew:

One question though - global settings doesn't seem to cover the point of individual custom links being set and saved for each uploaded photo. Or, are you saying that the link for the photo is "globally" saved, because it stays with the photo, not the post?

No, currently links are set on per-post basis, the global setting is whether that link points to the (larger) image, to the attachment page, or there is initially no link at all.

Almost all uploaded images seem to be inserted in only one post or at most in two and all options can be set while inserting or after inserting them. Not sure if we need to save the link with the image as well, but even if we do they still won't work in the gallery as it has it's own logical flow - thumbnail, attachment page, large image.

#4 @Otto42
16 years ago

  • Milestone 2.8 deleted
  • Resolution set to invalid
  • Status changed from new to closed

Link and alignment and such are not "settings" of the image. They are just fields that are used when you Insert the image into a post. And then they are used that one-time-only, because the data is actually inserted to the post content.

So, marking this as invalid. Those settings are not saved because they are not settings in the first place.

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