#21483 closed task (blessed) (fixed)
Refactor Customizer Upload, Image, and Background Image controls to leverage the media library/modal
Reported by: |
Owned by: | |
Milestone: | 4.1 | Priority: | normal |
Severity: | normal | Version: | 3.5 |
Component: | Customize | Keywords: | has-patch |
Focuses: | ui, javascript | Cc: |
Description ¶
I suggest that users be able to use any image in the media library as a background image from the customizer. At this time, if a user changes the theme background from the customizer, he/she must upload the image. This is already available from the dashboard, under Appearance > Background - it gives the option "Or choose an image from your media library:" I suggest that this option available on the dashboard also be available on the customizer. A similar option should be available for header images.
Commits (5)
- [30309] Customizer: Add support for the media library in Background Image controls.… by @ocean90 10 years ago
- [30553] Customizer: Only show the default button in the upload control if there is a default attachment.… by @ocean90 10 years ago
- [30712] Customizer: Enhance Background Image/Upload controls.… by @ocean90 10 years ago
- [30737] Show title, album, and artist info for audio files displayed in
.… by @wonderboymusic 10 years ago - [30849] Customizer: Re-add the possibility to remove and restore a default background image.… by @ocean90 10 years ago
Pull Requests
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Change History (78)
11 years ago
Once we do this, we can do #25569 and drop the separate background page entirely.
11 years ago
I believe this might actually be very straightforward. Once #25618 happens, we'd just need to adjust the WP_Upload_Image control to open the media modal (which has upload functionality) instead of opening the browser's upload functionality directly, just like we do in several places in core and as plugins do all over the place.
In fact, the best solution is probably to make WP_Customize_Upload_Control
open the media modal (as it provides the best experience for uploading and browsing files of any type; I'd say leave the dropzone too for quick access), then we can just make the necessary adjustments to WP_Customize_Image_Control
and WP_Customize_Background_Image_Control
. That way all instances and extensions of upload-type controls get the best experience we have.
11 years ago
- Focuses ui added
#25618 happened, so now it's just a matter of replacing the upload button with the media modal, where you can select or upload.
We can re-brand the "Upload Image" and "Uploaded" tabs to make the library of uploaded images be for quick access to other images used as header images. But we could also replace the whole interface with a media library button, which may be a more elegant solution. Thoughts?
11 years ago
Just using the media library might be the better idea. No need for remembering previously uploaded images we just choose any images from medial library.
11 years ago
Or another idea:
- In media upload folder create a new folder backgrounds.
- If I want to upload a picture, I can mark this as a background picture.
- This picture is in the folder "backgrounds" stored only in original size without resizing.
- And the pictures are me to choose from in Costumizer -> themes -> background pictures available.
This would have several advantages:
- a central location for all background pictures
- Theme developers can outsource the backgrounds in a plugin -> useful for several themes with the same background pictures
- not every user uses themes backgrounds -> if required, the user installs the theme-plugin with the background pictures
11 years ago
- Focuses javascript added
- Summary changed from Theme Customizer: Use any image from media library for background image to Refactor Customizer Upload, Image, and Background Image controls to leverage the media library/modal
- Version changed from 3.4.1 to 3.5
I think we're all in agreement that backgrounds should be handled similarly to headers (#21785), without cropping, and that we can fix up the generic Upload and Image controls in the process.
Unlike with headers (which have the randomize option), these controls don't need to support multiple files, so we could potentially remove the concept of showing images that were previously uploaded to this control. Using the media modal (added in 3.5) makes it easy to find already-uploaded files, and we could add "uploaded to this control" into the modal's filtering options.
11 years ago
First-pass, slightly more than a proof-of-concept. JS portions partially based on work from @mattwiebe. Needs back-compat for subclasses, UI for previewing media in the generic upload control, i18n, coding standards/cleanup, docs, and UI/UX feedback.
11 years ago
UI walk-through with WP_Customize_Upload, WP_Customize_Image, and background image controls with 21483.diff.
11 years ago
- Keywords has-patch needs-testing added; needs-patch removed
- Milestone changed from Future Release to 4.1
Let's do this.
21483.diff contains a rough first-pass at re-imagining the core media controls to leverage the media library. Some notes:
- The JS is based off of @mattwiebe's Advanced Upload Control project, although I've started making extensive changes.
- The goal for this ticket is to make these core controls as good as they can be in a backwards-compatible way. This means that, unfortunately, we cannot change what data is saved in the settings associated with these controls. Therefore, we have to stick with only grabbing the media file's URL from the media library. We'll do more exciting things in #29215.
- For now, I've removed the concept of previously-uploaded files; with access to the media library, and because we don't have "multiple" support (like header images do, with the randomize option), the extra UI doesn't seem necessary at this point. The exception may be background images, although I'd argue that it isn't necessary, as they're accessible and searchable in the library.
- Don't waste screen real estate for a small file-upload dropzone; while opening the library first is an extra step, there's a full-screen dropzone as soon as it's open.
- Still need to implement a strategy for the default background image (and add handling for any of these controls that have default setting values). There's a lot of theme inconsistency here, as many (most?) themes that support custom backgrounds also set the background in CSS, making it impossible to remove the default background. Maybe remove should just be "default" for those? I tried checking what the backgrounds admin page does but, well, it's just a complete mess.
- There's an awesome amount of red happening here. Unfortunately, most of it will probably need to be brought back for back-compat. Initial patch does that to demonstrate the advantages of leveraging the new code; it's really fairly straightforward. The biggest back-compat issues are with sub-classes, and there are a lot of these in the wild (particularly with
). We'll need to get creative here.
Things that the patch still needs to address:
- How should generic-upload-control files be previewed in the Customizer controls area? There's probably something we can leverage from elsewhere in core. This would be things like audio/video, images, or other document types that need to be linked but can get an icon. Note that we can't display the document's title since we can only save the URL for back-compat reasons, unless we set it in the control from JS when inserting, and use something like
to grab the info in PHP on subsequent loads. - Handling of default setting values when "remove" is invoked, and whether to allow removing the default (setting to empty), or to just make it a "default" button instead of remove.
- Consider making the button/media manager labels customizable parameters of the
class, which would also further reduce the need for duplicated code in subclasses. - JS Strings need to be internationalized.
- Coding standards.
- Structured inline docs.
- Potential code cleanup, especially in JS.
- Comprehensive back-compat audit. It's likely that we won't be able to mimic the "extensions" argument easily, but the media library's
feature is much more useful for most cases anyway. We need to keep all of the class functions around, and just remove any calls to them in the least obtrusive way possible so that we can avoid breaking anything sub-classing these (in PHP and JS). I've removed all of these for now - we'll add them back in once we figure out the strategy here. We probably need to go beyond just avoiding fatal errors in subclasses to making things that used to work still work - an initial investigation revealed a LOT of subclasses ofWP_Customize_Image_Control
in the wild. We need to investigate this more thuroughly to determine the best approach here, as those would ideally also be able to benefit from the new improvements. Again, the goal here is to bring a better experience to all of the existing controls that are out there; it'll be challenging but I think we can do it. - Go through all media-related tickets in the Customize component, and determine whether they're still relevant once this change is made.
This ticket was mentioned in IRC in #wordpress-dev by celloexpressions. View the logs.
11 years ago
11 years ago
For control-previewing we should leverage the logic that's used in the media library grid view details modal. That's currently housed within a JS template that also does the UI for the other fields, so I've created #29723 to extract it to facilitate re-use. If anyone's well-versed in the media library's (Backbone) architecture, please take a formal stab at that.
Once that's in place, we should be able to leverage attachment_url_to_post_id()
to locate the necessary data for this template when re-opening the Customizer to display an existing attachment. We can of course just pass it over from the media modal when selecting a new file. The biggest restriction with all of this is that we can only save the file URL as the control's setting's value.
I'd also like to fully leverage #29572, so I'm going to hold off on continued iterations here until those two things are in core. Anyone following along, please test/patch/leave feedback on/help move along #29723 and #29572 so that we can get back to this sooner rather than later.
↓ 26
11 years ago
This seems to have been implemented here, although a bit differently. I do believe it is backwards-compatible, though.
Found a better solution than what I posted above. Extend WP_Customize_Image_Control
This implementation is NOT backwards compatible, at the moment. It does, however, do exactly what was originally proposed by @jjonesftw and what was implemented by @celloexpressions. Please forgive me if I'm beating a dead horse here - just trying to explore all options. The solution I have suggested does provide the best UI I've seen to date, when it comes to uploading images in the Customizer.
in reply to:
↑ 25
11 years ago
Replying to dauidus:
I think we should ditch the tabs if at all possible - leads to a cluttered/confusing UI and probably unnecessary. We're also making it consistent with the generic upload control, which currently doesn't have tabs. Do you see a particular reason for keeping the tabs/adding them to the upload control?
Implementation-wise, we should take advantage of the opportunity to rewrite this directly rather then hooking in, as a theme or plugin would do. At the same time, this should make it easier for plugins and themes to hook in, given the updated, js-based code structure.
There are several plugin/theme implementations out there (including the one from @mattwiebe that the patch is based on), although any would require reworking to be ready for core.
11 years ago
Yes, I agree that the tabs should be completely lost. Their inclusion adds one extra click to get where you want to be, not to mention they add to a potentially overloaded customizer system already (assuming that some devs won't respect any sort of section limit. Well, it really adds an extra 2 clicks... assuming we use the default add media panel - all options are in there, easily sorted out for quick overview of all possible upload decisions.
And, I do agree that it should be easy for future devs to hook into. You're spot-on there.
I'm looking through all threads on this now, and getting caught up more before I speak to this any more... I didn't realize we were already moving along on this as far as we have.
10 years ago
This ticket is still waiting on #29723 and #29572 to be committed, or at least to receive some dev feedback so that revisions can be made and then they can be committed. Those really need to happen ASAP for this to get into 4.1, which it really should, especially now that we can see how much better of an experience that offers with Twenty Fifteen's use of this feature. Timeline-wise, it's going to be tight but currently still doable, and bumping back beta or making this a task and continuing additional work here into the first beta would also help. I can't really do much more here until those other tickets are completed, but once they are I have a pretty good idea of how to leverage the current patch here and those new additions to resolve all of the outstanding issues listed in 22.
This ticket was mentioned in IRC in #wordpress-dev by celloexpressions. View the logs.
10 years ago
10 years ago
Rough first pass with the new js-templated-controls framework. Implements previews of all media types, upload and image controls, and basic attempt and reasonable back-compat. Background Image control not yet updated to demonstrate back-compat with sub-classes of WP_Customize_Image_Control
. Previewing of existing (saved) control setting values not yet implemented.
10 years ago
Implement display of existing (saved) control settings, via attachment_url_to_postid()
10 years ago
- Keywords dev-feedback ui-feedback ux-feedback added
This now works pretty well, and the new JS templating API lends itself especially well to this. The slightly modified media code allows us to offer some visual preview/feedback for all file types, basically for free. It's time for UX, dev, and UI feedback - please test the patch, review the code, evaluate the new workflows, consider back-compat, etc. Patch iterations are welcomed.
Known issues with 21483.2.diff:
- Need to address handling of the default setting value. Would probably be a "default" link in place of remove, then switching to remove when the default is being used. But we can't easily preview the defaults, unfortunately, as they aren't usually attachments, so we'll probably implement that for images only.
- The labels need to be translated, but PHP doesn't seem to like doing that the way I've implemented it. How can we do that, keeping in mind that the labels should be able to be overridden as easily as possible.
- Audio and video previewing basically work (yay), but there seems to be something missing that actually initializes MediaElement.js once the elements show up in the DOM. Perhaps @wonderboymusic has thoughts?
- Should there be some sort of core refresh/reRender functionality, or is it best to leave it to specific controls? How's the implementation here @westonruter?
- Back-compat: the background image control is left unchanged to demonstrate that subclasses of
(and by extensionWP_Customize_Upload_Control
) generally don't experience significant breakage - we'll truncate it likeWP_Customize_Image_Control
once it's looking good. - This does deprecate some things and quietly ignore some things (like
). The upside clearly outweighs those here, but are there any particular things that we could do to make the transition smoother? - Could use some accessibility feedback on this. I did a quick keyboard accessibility check, and while the media modal part is just as bad as it is everywhere else in core, it is functional. Needs screenreader testing for sure, and not sure how the
should be placed. - Could probably have more structured inline docs, but not sure exactly what's needed, @DrewAPicture?
- For backgrounds, will we want to keep the concept of previously-uploaded backgrounds, like headers have? That would introduce more complexity, so we might want to wait until we do things like adding support for multiple (or randomized) backgrounds.
General note: we'll be able to close a bunch of tickets once this gets in, since bugs ranging from no error messages to favicon uploads failing no longer exist.
10 years ago
Test plugin with an upload control and an image control, spitting the values out into the preview.
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core by celloexpressions. View the logs.
10 years ago
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core by celloexpressions. View the logs.
10 years ago
↓ 38
@ Core Committer
10 years ago
- Can we use the constructor to set up
? - Button labels for background images should include "image" not "file"
needs to stay for BC. Why does it need to be removed? On PHP side we still haveWP_Customize_Image_Control extends WP_Customize_Upload_Control
. I think it's OK to have ImageControl to just handle images.- src/wp-admin/js/customize-controls.js:894 has a missing semicolon
- Can we have a "No image set" hint for the background control too?
- Drag&Drop: Let the whole control be a dropzone, that would be awesome. After the drop the frame should open for upload status and error reporting
in reply to:
↑ 37
10 years ago
Replying to ocean90:
- Can we use the constructor to set up
Yes, I'm afraid that's going to be the only option. Not as easy to override in subclasses or individual instances, but works fine.
- Button labels for background images should include "image" not "file"
Should be fixed in .4, that control was not yet changed at all - that is what the back-compat looks like currently for a subclass of WP_Customize_Image_Control
needs to stay for BC. Why does it need to be removed? On PHP side we still haveWP_Customize_Image_Control extends WP_Customize_Upload_Control
. I think it's OK to have ImageControl to just handle images.
None of the JS is needed at all due to the way the media modal works - and all of the image logic needs to be in the upload control anyway since it supports images. But we can leave the wp.customize.ImageControl
model, empty its methods, and remove it from the control constructor declaration so that subclasses should still work as expected. Can this look essentially like how the PHP class looks in the latest patch?
- src/wp-admin/js/customize-controls.js:894 has a missing semicolon
Nice catch!
- Can we have a "No image set" hint for the background control too?
- Drag&Drop: Let the whole control be a dropzone, that would be awesome. After the drop the frame should open for upload status and error reporting
I'm not sure that this is needed, or particularly discoverable. Also, not a very big space for a dropzone. But we could add it if people want it.
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core by celloexpressions. View the logs.
10 years ago
10 years ago
@celloexpressions - If this is meant to work in the customizer, and the customizer is customizing background images and headers, why do we need audio/video to work in this upcoming release?
10 years ago
Clarification on everywhere that this impacts:
- All media-related controls that theme and plugin developers implement via the Customizer API; specifically, instances and subclasses of
(and by extensionWP_Customize_Image_Control
. This technically supports all filetypes that are allowed to be uploaded, and will be an improvement for all of them. Audio/video is included, and we can incorporate audio/video previewing with minimal effort. - Core background image control.
- NOT the header image control - eventually that should be adjusted to use some of the newer APIs that we've developed here.
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core by eric. View the logs.
10 years ago
@ Emeritus Committer
10 years ago
can be dropped in lieu of clearing out the container ( .html('')
) in wp.customize.Control.render, and using event delegation on the control ($container.on( 'click', '.thing' ... )
) rather than binding directly to the elements.
@ Emeritus Committer
10 years ago
attachment:21483.6.diff adds some more documentation to attachment:21483.5.diff.
Eventually we can add doc blocks for the subclasses of api.Control
, but fully fleshed out documentation for the parent class api.Control
should probably get in place first, but can happen separate from this effort.
10 years ago
- Keywords dev-feedback ui-feedback ux-feedback removed
Thanks @ericlewis! We're pretty close to being ready for a first-pass commit; additional issues can be addressed during beta.
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core by celloexpressions. View the logs.
10 years ago
10 years ago
Implement default handling. Still some issues around trying to remove default images, although many themes don't support this anyway.
10 years ago
I think 21483.8.diff is good enough for a first-pass commit. It addresses all remaining issues here other than the wonkiness with audio/video, which wasn't supported previously anyway.
@ Core Committer
10 years ago
- Keywords needs-patch added; has-patch removed
I see a "Default" Link in the Background Image control, but it seems like it does nothing.
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core by celloexpressions. View the logs.
10 years ago
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core by celloexpressions. View the logs.
10 years ago
This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #core by celloexpressions. View the logs.
10 years ago
@ Core Committer
10 years ago
- Keywords has-patch added; needs-patch removed
- Makes the UI consistent with Custom Header
- Removes audio/vide preview which doesn't work yet, we can improve this later
- Removes "Remove" button for the default value
- Avoids calculating of the container/placeholder height unrelated to custom headers
10 years ago
I'm okay with 21483.10.diff, but I have the following mostly design-related concerns:
- Can we remove the border around the preview if it's not empty? Looks pretty bad for non-images, as there's no padding around the icon, and it just seems unnecessary.
- Also not liking the 2px border radius on images and the container. If we want to be consistent I'd remove that for headers too.
- Could we possibly have fewer container divs around the previews? Looks like there are four levels of nested divs, and we should remove at least
since they're meaningless name-wise. We don't need all of that CSS here either - we should not set a min-height for these, for example. Maybe start by having fewer containers, then clean up unneeded or less attractive styles. We can tweak the headers UI design too, and I think it could definitely use updating here. - I really don't think default/remove should have the same visual hierarchy as change/select. A button and a link would make way more sense than two buttons, although I don't have a preference for left vs. right aligned (and this goes for headers too).
The functional bits here are fine. To clarify for anyone following along, audio/video are still supported, they just won't have interactive previews (yet).
@ Core Committer
10 years ago
- Keywords needs-testing removed
- Resolution set to fixed
- Status changed from new to closed
Calling this as fixed for now.
@celloexpressions: I used the same containers/button types because I didn't want to implement something new because it's really late in current cycle. That was the simplest solution.
Enhancements/issues should go into new tickets.
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↑ 57
10 years ago
Replying to ocean90:
Don't show a "Remove" button when the default value is set.
Why not? Why is there not a remove button anywhere? This is definitely a feature that users use. There needs to be a way for a person to remove a background image if they want to.
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10 years ago
Replying to ocean90:
- Don't show a "Remove" button when the default value is set.
This change is not backwards compatible with themes have extended the image upload and coded to account for Default, Upload, and Remove functionality. Instead, clicking default removes the image from the front end output.
in reply to:
↑ 61
@ Core Committer
10 years ago
Replying to dreamwhisper:
This change is not backwards compatible with themes have extended the image upload and coded to account for Default, Upload, and Remove functionality. Instead, clicking default removes the image from the front end output.
Please open a new ticket with a small plugin to demonstrate the issue.
#24510 was marked as a duplicate.